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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: January 1982 Volume 20 Number 1, Pages 29–34 Nineteenth Century Burials in St. Peter's Churchyard Conclusion At the time "Bess" took herself home, leaving Miss Ellen Gooding in the churchyard, the Chester Valley was farm country, and St.Peter's occupied a rather remote spot. There were no signs to lead one to it - one had to know where to turn off Swedesford Road. No doubt many who lived on the "ridge" of the South Valley Hill knew about it, though, for in 1908 the Rev. Alden W. Quimby had written Valley Forge - A Tale. St. Peter's enters into the story, which is told as of 1777. Though certainly fanciful to a certainextent, it is based on fact; Mr. Quimby (beside being a Methodist clergyman and an able amateur astronomer) was a walker and talked to the people who lived in the valley. Their progenitors may well have gone to St. Peter's in its early days and known what life was like in this vicinity years and years ago. Well into the twentieth century, and long before development of the valley, St. Peter's was known mostly to people who belonged to it, and whose parents and grandparents had known and loved the old Church. At the suggestion of the Ven. Jules Prevost, "Annual Days" were observed. They consisted of Service in the morning, followed by luncheon in the Parish Hall, and an address in the afternoon. Old friends of the Church returned each year. Started in 1913, they were held in June for several years. From 1926 to 1960 they occurred in September or October, but since that year the "Annual Day" has again been observed in June, and is now known as "St. Peter's Day". On the following pages we conclude the listing of nineteenth century burials in St. Peter's churchyard as compiled by Miss Gooding. -T- In memory of Mary P. Taylor, daughter of Ephraim & Rachel Taylor, who departed this life October 22nd, 1828, aged 7 years (124) Abigail, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Thomas, Born June 20, 1817, Died June 24, 1899 Aged 82 years (144 Emily, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Thomas, Born August 2, 1822, Died February 2, 1908 Aged 85 years & six months (45) In memory of Hannah Thomas, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Thomas,who departed this life October 23, 1840 Aged 36 years and 8 months (206)
In memory of Benjamin Thomas Died Aug. 9th, 1825 Aged 52 years 2 mo's and 20 days
In memory of Abigail, wife of Benjamin Thomas Died May 23rd, 1861 Aged 83 years 2 mo's and 12 days
In memory of John W. Thomas, son of Benjamin & Abigail Thomas, who departed this life Aged
78 years 3 mo. and 21 days In memory of Ann, the wife of Robert Todd, who departed this life Maythe 1st, 1828 Aged 34 years 5 mo's and 3 days (176) In memory of Sarah Ann Todd, daughter of Robert & Ann Todd Departed this life April the 9th, A.D. 1822 Aged 3 months 12 days (177) Mary J., wife of Robert S. Todd Born May 31st, 1834 Died Dec. 21st, 1914 (28)
Robert Smith Todd Born Aug. 13, 1834 Died Feb. 1, 1900
Agnes J. Tucker born June 10, 1838 died Jan. 27, 1903
Hannah Tucker born June 1, 1797 died May 11. 1862
John Tucker born Aug. 11, 1796 died Jan. 23, 1883
Martha H. Tucker born Dec. 2, 1838 died Feb. 28, 1904 -W-
Our Mother Hannah Walker
Henry Walley Died August 27, 1865 aged 71 years Samuel Steele Walley Died February 13, 1860 aged 75 years (266) In memory of Mary Ann Ward died February 25th, 1853 aged 32 years 7 months & 20 days (84) Sacred to the memory of Robert Watkin who departed this life October 14th A.D. 1825 Aged 67 years (758) John, son of Robert and Sarah Watkin Died Aug. 29, 1858 Aged 71 years 8 mo's & 25 days (169) In memory of Sarah Miller, daughter of Jesse & Catherine Watkin, who died Oct. 17th, 1845 aged 18 years 2 months & 20 days (170) Sarah Watkin Died March 13, 1870 Aged 73 years (171) In memory of Catharine, daughter of Robert and Sarah Watkin, who died Nov. 16th, 1811 aged 45 years 5 mo's & 16 days (172) In memory of James Watkin who departed this life February 10th, 1856 aged 62 years (l73) In memory of Catherine Watkin,. wife of Jesse Watkins, who departedthis life July 2nd, 1846 Aged 41 years 3 months & 30 days (174) Mary Watkin died May 9, 1870 aged 70 years (175) In memory of Frances B., wife of Isaac Weaver and daughter of Cromwell& Margaret Pearce, who departed this life August 15th, 1852 Aged 46 years (128) In memory of Isaac Weaver who departed this life July 31st, 1863 aged 79 years 5 months & 8 days (129)
Maj. John G. Wersler Born Jan. 30, 1781 Died 1876 In memory of George Wersler who departed this life May 14th, 1832 Inthe 81st year of his age (216) In memory of Anna Maria Wersler who departed this life March 18th, 1831In the 80th year of her age (217)
Catherine Wersler 1807 - 1897 In memory of Elizah F. Wersler who died May 9th, 1853 Aged 41 years 3 mos and 13 days (185)
Walter, son of Harry & Maggie Whisler July 21, 1909 - Feb. 11, 1918 Our Father Moses Williams Born August 10th 1787 Died March 10th, 1869 (239) In memory of Martha, wife of Moses Williams, who died May 7th, 1852 In the 61st year of her age (240)
In memory of David Williams, who departed this life September the 4th, in the year 1801 In the 63rd
year of his age
In memory of Mary Williams, who departed this life March 11th, 1842, in the 76th year of her age
While she is Thine in joys complete
In memory of Thomas Willson Departed this life April 18, 1862 in the 90th year of his age
In memory of Hannah Willson Born July 19, 1804. Died Oct. 20, 1888
Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of Thomas Willson departed this life June 8th, 1829, in the
44th year of her age
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Willson who departed this life April 17th, 1826 In the 87th year
of his age
In memory of Mary Willson, wife of Thomas Willson Jr., who departed this life November the 11th,
1801 in the 26th year of her age
In memory of Sarah Ann, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Wisner. was born March 18th, 1820, who departed
this life Sept. 23rd, 1851 aged 31 years 5 months & 5 days In memory of William, son of Jacob & Ann Wisner, who died Dec. 24th, 1845 aged 40 years 5 months & 3 days (6) In memory of Levi. son of Jacob & Ann Wisner. who departed this life December 17th. 1841 aged 34 years & 4 months (13) In memory of John, son of Jacob & Ann Wisner. who departed this life March 26th, 1820 aged 24 years 6 months and 29 days (16) In memory of Ann Wisner. the wife of Jacob Wisner, who departed this life January 2nd, 1810 aged 35 years 3 months and 16 days (17) In memory of Catherine, daughter of Jacob & Ann Wisner, who departed this life November 17th, 1811 aged 4 years 8 months & 3 days (18) In memory of Jacob Wisner who died December 26th, 1846 aged 85 years & 7 months (Revolutionary soldier) (19) Sarah, wife of Jacob Wisner died March 14th, 1860 aged 82 years 10 months & 28 days (20) William Wreath Died April 2nd, 1910 In his 33rd year (25)
William Wreath died April 4th, 1900 In his 66th year - Y -
In memory of Marshall D., son of Owen and Margaret Yarnall who departed this life December 10th,
A.D. 1835 aged 24 years & 3 months
How short the race our friend has run
Maggie P., daughter of David and Anna M. Young aged 14 years
David B. Young 1825 - 1914 Errata
Volume XVIII, Number 4 (October 1980)
Volume XIX, Number 1 (January 1981)
Volume XIX, Number 3 (July 1981)
Volume XIX, Number 4 (October 1981) |
Page last updated: 2009-08-31 at 14:40 EDT |