Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: October 1984 Volume 22 Number 4, Page 118


Page 118

The articles on the Great Valley Presbyterian Church by Mary Ives and Eleanor Chworowsky were presented at the June meeting of the History Club, held in the chapel of the church. After the program there were guided tours of the church for the members.

An appropriate subtitle for the next item, on the old Devon Inn, might be "where the best and most fashionable people held sway", as the famed hostelry was once described in a contemporary newspaper article. The magnificent hotel was a part of an era that, like the Devon Inn itself, is now long gone.

Once again it is a presidential election year. "The United States could do worse," Robert Bendiner observed in his White House Fever, "than to be linked in history with that combination of sport, drama, crusade, carnival, and New England town meeting that we know as a presidential election." Some of these aspects are reflected in our look at election campaigns in our two townships in the last century.

The Furness barn at Chesterbrook is, as is pointed out in our next feature, in danger of vanishing from the landscape. A member of the Tredyffrin Board of Historical and Architectural Review, Anne H. Cook, first learned of this historic barn while she was a regional coordinator for Chester County's Historical Sites Survey.

And finally, at the end of the issue is the Index for this year's Volume XXII of the Quarterly.


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