Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1991 Volume 29 Number 1, Pages 34–36

School Rules in 1869

from the Minute Book of the Tredyffrin Board of School Directors

Page 34

In the summer of 1869 the School Directors in Tredyffrin took steps to formulate and establish rules and regulations for the governance of the schools in the Tredyffrin School District.

Accordingly, at their June 7 meeting that year, on motion by J. G. Dannaker "it was unaminously Resolved that a committee of two members be appointed to draft rules & Regulations for the governance of the schools of this district and report the same to the Board at [the] next meeting" and that upon approval of the recommendations by the Board "a sufficient number of copies shall be printed & conspicuously posted in every School house in the district". The two directors appointed to the committee were Messrs. Nathan Stetson and J. G. Dannaker.

Two months later, at the meeting held on September 6, 1869, the two-man committee made its report. It was accepted by the Board, and the committee there upon "continued & ordered to get a sufficient number of copies printed and [to] post the same in each School house of the district" as directed at the June meeting. In addition, as set forth in one of the regulations, the teacher in each school was "strictly required to read these rules every Monday morning to the school before commencing classes".

The rules and regulations, nine in all, covered the duties and obligations of both the teachers and the pupils, and also set the times at which the schools were to be open, the hours during which classes were to be held, and the vacation periods during the school term.

Page 35

Rules for the Government
of the Common Schools of Tredyffrin District

Rule 1st

The teachers in the employ of this district are required to open the Sessions of the respective Schools committed to their charge punctually to the following prescribed time, viz:--from September 1st until October 1st, from 8 1/2 O'Clock A.M. until 12 P.M., and from 1 O'Clock until 4 O'Clock P.M. And from October 1st until March 1st from 9 O'Clock A.M. until 12 P.M. and from 1 0' Clock until 4 O'Clock P.M. and from March 1st until [the] close of term from 8 1/2 O'Clock A.M. until 12 A.M. and from 1 1/2 O'Clock until 4 O'Clock P.M. An intermission of not more than 10 minutes is to be in both [the] morning and afternoon Sessions.

Rule 2nd

Teachers are required to be in attendance and have the School houses under their charge opened for the reception of pupils at least 30 minutes before the prescribed time of commencing the Sessions of the School, and remain on the premises until the close of Session in the afternoon.

Rule 3d

They shall Keep Strict Surveillance over the pupils and property entrusted to their care, inspect the house, furniture, grounds and appurtenances there unto belonging, Daily So thai if any damage be done by pupils or others it Shall be their duty to report the Same to the [school] director in charge immediately. And furthermore, they are not to give the Key of the house to any pupil So that they may get into the School house in the absence of the teachers, and are Strictly to enforce [any rules] that are or may be established for the regulation of the Schools of this district.

Rule 4th

The pupils attending the Schools of this district are strictly required to be on time in their attendance at School.

Rule 5

They are positively forbidden the use of profane or obscene language, quarreling or fighting at School, or in going to or from the same; the throwing of Sticks or Stones or any other missile at each other or at the School house or its appurtenances; the cutting or Scratching the desks, or woodwork of the house, or Shade trees; the breaking of Glass, etc. or doing any other damage.

Rule 6

Pupils are at all times required to be respectful and obedient to the teacher; to obey all rules or commands that the teacher may think proper, and are enjoined to take their books home in the evening and Study their lessons for the morrow.

Rule 7

Any pupil who may violate any of the foregoing rules will be punished as the case may require, even to Expulsion from School, in case they will not be re-admitted until Such time as they Shall confess their fault, apologize for their misconduct, and promise to behave in a proper manner in [the] future, And any damage that may be done will be repaired at the proper cost of their parents or guardians.

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Rule 8

The day appointed by authority for national thanksgiving and the Christmas week, commencing on the eve of Dec. 24th until the morning of January 2d are established holidays in this district..

Rule 9

Teachers are Strictly required to read these rules every Monday morning to the School before commencing exercises.

In 1869 there were nine common (or public) schools in Tredyffrin. These schools, and the teachers assigned to each of them for the 1869-70 school year, were

No. 1 Howellville Miss Letitia R. Montgomery
No. 2 Mt. Airy Miss Mary Haimum[?]
No. 3 Presbyterian Miss Sarah W. Broomall
No. 4 Salem Miss Lamazine Rennard
No. 5 Walker's Mr. George Groff
No. 6 Friends Miss M. A. George
No. 7 Eagle Miss A. L. Griffith
No. 8 Mt. Pleasant Miss Sal lie B. Martin
No. 9 Baptist Miss Rebecca P. McKinney

No.1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Howellville Mt. Airy Presbyterian Salem Miss Letitia R. Montgomery Miss Mary Haimum[?] Miss Sarah W. Broomall Miss Lamazine Rennard No. 9 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 Baptist Walker's Friends Eagle Mt. Pleasant Mr. George Groff Miss M. A. George Miss A. L. Griffith Miss Sallie B. Martin Miss Rebecca P. McKinney


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