Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: July 2003 Volume 40 Number 3, Page 96

Looking Back in the Quarterly

Page 96

60 YEARS AGO (1943)[Vol. 5, No. 3 (Spring 1943) pp. 60-61]

Secretary Mrs. William T. Mansley wrote:

"The year 1942 will long be remembered as a history-making epoch, the year of weighty problems, of curtailed activities, and of slow progress. Our great country was at war. This brought about change in the purposes of many clubs and societies... The Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club resolved to carry on despite the problems and obstacles that constantly obstructed the smooth procedure of the meetings... The members decided that the only patriotic thing to do would be to dispense with banquets until after the war. In its stead, a picnic was held on the lawn of the Heagy home in the month of August. One pleasant activity of the Club that was enjoyed by those who were able to participate was the taking of trips to places of historic interest... Gasoline had become a limited product. Now, since driving for pleasure is outmoded "for the duration," our trips will take the form of hikes."

30 YEARS AGO (1973)[Vol. 16, No. 2 (April 1973) pp. 39-44]

Excerpts from Letters from Joseph D. Newlin to his Mother in August 1871 as he traveled with a friend, Mr. Murphy, from Philadelphia to Portsmouth, N.H. They traveled by train, stage, and steamer. Where their room was seems to have been important. In New York City the rooms were "rather high up." In Albany: "instead of getting put up near the roof as expected to be, we have a double room on the lowest floor, near the office, and opening on the street." At Lake George: "happily, our room, though high up... looks out upon the lake." In Albany Mr. Newlin wrote about "the place where my tooth has not yet ceased to grieve over the departure of its old friend, but its complainings have today not been too loud." By Lake George: "my face has been more comfortable today." In Montreal

"we went over to the French Cathedral and saw a great deal that was very strange to us... The sexton who showed strangers seats and drove out others (their own people), we had taken wrong ones, was dressed in a crimson waistcoat, a blue coat and silver bindings, and carried a great cane. The procession too was headed by a beadle (is a parish officer, punishes petty offenders and waits on clergymen)... We again went into the French Cathedral where we saw a funeral.... The deceased person appeared young and the pall was born by six girls in white, with veils and flowers. Even after the coffin was put into the hearse these six walked alongside up the middle of the street, holding to long white streamers that were attached to the top of the hearse."

15 YEARS AGO (1988)[Vol. 26, No. 3 (July 1988) Notes and Comments, p. 119]

"The Principal at New Eagle School, Dr. Thomas L. Tobin, Jr., was included in Executive Educator magazine's list of 100 top educational leaders in the United States. He was one of the youngest educators selected for this recognition by the magazine and one of only four names from the state of Pennsylvania." "In May, the Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to add the Strafford railroad station to its list of buildings of historic interest."

(The structure was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 26, 1984.)


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