Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: Winter/Spring 2007 Volume 44 Numbers 1&2, Page 78

Open Space in the Township

Page 78

Illustration from page 78

One of the factors that has an impact on the quality of life in a community is the amount of open space that is available for recreational activities. The three largest holders of open space in the township are Valley Forge National Historical Park with over 720 acres, Tredyffrin Township, and the Open Land Conservancy both with over 320 acres.

Valley Forge State Park, the first of Pennsylvania's State Parks, was created in 1893. The park's initial focus was on purchasing land around Washington's Headquarters. The acquisitions were later broadened to cover the inner and outer encampment defenses. It was much later that substantial land was acquired in Tredyffrin. The portion of the Park in the township includes the quarters of generals Knox, Lafayette, Maxwell, and Stirling.

Most of the open land owned by the township has been utilized in the form of parks. The largest area is Wilson Farm Park of 90 acres that was opened in 2004.

The Chester County Horticultural Society was created in 1939 in order to receive a conservation gift of 63 acres of land. This property now forms the core of the Airdrie Preserve. In 1974 the society changed its name to the Open Land Conservancy of Chester County (OLC, for short). Most of the land and easements held by the OLC have been received as gifts, but some purchases have also been made. Nearly all of its land holdings are in Tredyffrin Township. Mitsie Toland has held a long time leadership role in the conservancy. As well as owning land the OLC has easements on an additional 100 acres.


Page last updated: 2014-10-02 at 14:58 EDT
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