Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 1939 Volume 2 Number 2, Page 50

Club events - public lecture

On April 27, 1939, in the Library room at the High School, Dr. Edgar B. Howard, of the Pennsylvania University Museum, delivered an illustrated lecture on the subject, "Most Ancient Man in America," under the auspices of the Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club.

The first part of the address gave the background of the periods in the earth surface formations and changes, preceding and coexistent with man. Then he discussed the origin center, and the migrations of man and beast facilitated by geographic and climatic changes of earlier times which differed from those of today. The types of man were clearly explained and illustrated.

Upon this background Dr. Howard then told the story of part of the interesting and absorbing work that he is doing in southwestern United States. He explained methods and procedures. And he showed results and conclusions in a way that made the work clear to the lay mind, perhaps very little read in the field.

He created in the minds of his hearers a much greater respect of "this old earth". And in so doing, he inspired enthusiasm for learning in the field. The picture of the great ages and tides of life on the earth gave his hearers a better proportioned sense of modesty as to their relative importance in the scheme of things, yet not in such a way as to depress or discourage, but rather to enthuse them about their little part, and make them glad "to belong to the old proud pageant of man".


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