Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1940 Volume 3 Number 1, Page 1


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Number one of our history club aims and objects is research (and studies) in the history of Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships, and related adjoining areas. This is the fundamental and most important function of our club. It is in fact the reason for the club formation. The club is essentially a group of workers in the field of local history who have joined together in order that they may cooperate in history work, mutually assist and mutually enjoy each others work. This purpose must constantly be held before us. All other activities of the club should center around, and promote this fundamental aim. "Eternal Vigilance is the price of liberty." The welfare of our club calls for eternal vigilance to the end that all its activities tend to promote this fundamental aim, and that none of its activities are destructive to that end.

After the club had been active for some time, the members decided that many of the papers presented should be preserved in printed form. The members and the general public could thereby got copies of the papers for their own libraries. We would have liked to put out our work in printed form in a quarterly or an annual. But the cost was prohibitive. So we decided to put out mimeographed quarterlies. The president of the club was able to make arrangements by which this could be done using more or less amateur workers. The publication of the quarterly for the purposes stated above is definitely not one of the aims or objects of the club. However, we soon found that the publication became popular. As high as one hundred seventy-five copies had to be made. This made a large amount of work which intruded on the time of the members, tending to make the history club work a labor rather than a pleasurable hobby. So the work of issuing the quarterly has been reorganized for the coming year in such a way that the time of the members may be free for the real purpose of the club, research in the history of Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships. So, gentle reader, as you take your pleasurable trips through these pages, be as charitable as we are humble, in acknowledging that there are little slips here and there, but that intelligent people can easily detect them and not permit them to mar their pleasure, in reading materials that they could not have at all, if we had to issue an expensive printed quarterly.


Page last updated: 2012-03-30 at 14:24 EST
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