Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1941 Volume 4 Number 1, Page 1


If we really stop to consider it long enough, the older we grow, the more we become a link between the receding past and the on-rushing future. This is easy to realize if one is a sole survivor of a generation. Links are important things in a chain; in this case, a strong one must hold the tradition together. Let us all try to be the strong links.

We know of a grandmother who was a wonderful link, writing down her early memories for her children and grandchildren. They are becoming more valuable as the years go on.

Old letters, too, are a wonderful help. We have not time for letters now, and who would stop to write interesting personal family history to be passed on? Few, too few, indeed.

We offer some hints to the "links". Write it down, first, whenever possible, asking the older generation to tell you the stories and tradition in the family history, if it is not--alas--too late. Make scrapbooks of family records, clippings of weddings and funerals, etc.

Gather ye stories while ye may, and some day, in this changing world, who knows but your bit may be history in the making?

P. P. P.


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