Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: 1942 Volume 5 Number 1, Page 6

Local war gardens

Many of us will have little opportunity to engage in this war beyond our contributions to the war chest. Of course, it cannot be won without the wherewith to manufacture vast stores of modern weapons and to support the great armies and navies. But food at home and abroad is also an essential, so let us make the most of our opportunities.

Apparently, the so-called Victory Garden is in the offing, although there has been no decided movement locally, at this date. However, there is no reason why every family in possession of a plot of ground should not raise sufficient vegetables to supply the table and a surplus for canning.

Although the labor may not appear glamorous, agriculture is one of the most vital occupations a man can engage in. Gardening is useful, satisfying, and soothing to the nerves, and, as some one has remarked, there are so many wasteful ways of spending our time that vegetable gardening is creditable by comparison, and undoubtedly the home-grown product is much better than that which comes from the green grocer's or huckster's truck.

Then let us return to the simple life for the duration. May we again feel the healing touch of clean Mother-earth and observe the annual miracle of the tiny seed-germ, symbolic of eternal life, spring forth to fruition, and our communion with Nature will surely bring comfort, if not happiness, to our hearts, and help sustain our morale to the final victory.


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