Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: 1942 Volume 5 Number 1, Pages 13–24

The Great Valley Baptist Cemetery

Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club Volunteers

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It is recorded that on April 22nd, 1711 (Old Style), the Welsh Baptists of Tredyffrin and adjoining townships formed a church organization which was admitted to the Association in September of the same year, and, since the increase in numbers chiefly by emigrants from Wales made it inconvenient to hold their meetings in private houses, they determined to secure land for a meetinghouse and graveyard.

They selected a site on the northern slope of the South Valley Hills overlooking the beautiful Duffryn Mawr (Great Valley) at the head of the rock-ribbed, forest-clad ravine through which ran a little stream which they called Nant yr Ewig (Doe Run).

Here they purchased a small parcel of land, one-half acre, from David John. Later an additional tract of two acres was donated by William George. These two tracts comprise the old burying ground and apparently, from the number of unmarked graves and the more ancient of the marked graves, the interments were in long rows parallel with the Old Welsh Line or Baptist Road.

Here, the last resting place of so many of the earliest settlers and their families were probably marked at a much later date than indicated upon the tombstones, since the inscriptions are all in English and the earliest date of death recorded appears to be in 1732.

Many received epitaphs in good, bad, or indifferent verse, some of which were copied verbatim from earlier Old World tombstones or variants of same. Others are scraps from hymns, quotations from the Scripture, or occasionally original compositions. There may have been a nascent poet in the Davis clan.

It is not pertinent to the matter at hand to explain the methods employed to bring out the almost obliterated inscriptions, but it is deemed worthwhile to preserve as many of the quaint verses as it is possible to decipher, also the occasional valuable notes of a biographical nature.

In the original part of this dear old graveyard there are a number of the now obsolete type of altar-tombs, and a few monumental shafts of the monolithic type, but the common form is of the perishable limestone or marble slab, head and foot stones. Emphatically, ostentation in sculpture was not a foible of our forebears.

On the older stones the conventional "In Memory of" or "Sacred to the Memory of" precedes the name of the deceased, and "Departed this life" follow it. Doubtless every one of our local cemeteries possesses peculiarities all its own, yet all the most ancient have in common an intangible reminder of the unceasing daily toil at a time when the study of the Bible was at once the chief comfort and recreation of the settlers.

The people of Cymric origin were never considered natural pioneers. The labor of subduing a virgin soil was almost, though not quite, too much for their strength and fortitude, and if it was hard upon the men it was doubly hard upon the women, of whom it may be said that the evidence reveals too often that a second wife was required to bring up a family. Clanish, voluble, bustling and lovable though they were, the Welsh did not take kindly to strenuous manual labor.

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The early period was that of a spiritual awakening. A close observer may well be impressed by the frequency of the words tooled upon the tombs expressive of repose or synonymous for "rest", rest from pain, sorrow, and labor, the keynote or controlling thought of many a weary traveler in his longing for a happier sphere where there is eternal freedom from earthly toil and care.


As time advances, there appear less and less of the militant, admonitory, or triumphant verse, until the inscriptions on family monuments of lasting granite record only the names of the departed with the dates of birth and death.

There was, of course, a preponderance of Welsh names in the early days and the Davis clan easily loads with over a hundred names, followed by the Jones family. Then, as the years roll by, there is an admixture of English, French- Huguenot, Scotch, Scotch-Irish, and German names, also a marked grave, to which the Meeting contributed, of an ancient, almost centenarian, Negro woman. In the interments, beside those already mentioned, the Bartholomew, Cleaver, Beaver, Pugh, Moore, Abraham, Bittle, Evans, Rees, Cornog, Kauffman, Hughes, Dewees, Laurence (and Lawrence), Warner, Philips (and Phillips), Griffith, Latch, George, Fenimore, Leamy, Campbell, Brown, and Potter families occur in about the order named.

Mary and John easily lead in given names, with Sarah and Ann (including Anna and Annie), William and Thomas, next in popularity. Then follow Elizabeth, Caroline, Eliza, Margaret, Hannah, Jane, Rachel, and Samuel, George, David, Charles, James, and Joseph.

To those who imagine that the appended records are dry reading, we bespeak an awakening to their educational value. Historically they proclaim the deeply religious and emotional nature of a sect developing this section; genealogically their close kinship to one another through intermarriage; while interspersed there are valuable biographical matter and much folklore in the epitaphs. (Some of the Bible quotations we have reduced to book, chapter, and verse). Indeed a survey of the graveyards supply the background for local history and is absolutely essential for identification and authentication of individuals.

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ABRAHAM, Deacon Daniel. 1/11/1781 - 11/30/1861; aged 80/10/19. (Altar-tomb).
"Soon for us the light of day
Shall forever pass away
Then from sin and sorrow free
Take us Lord to dwell with thee."
Daniel C. 2/1/1823 - 1/16/1907. "In faith he awaits the resurrection morn"
David, son of Isaac & Jane, died 7/11/1813; aged 31 years.
David. 8/29/1814 - 2/23/1897. "In faith I know my Redeemer liveth"
Eliza, w. Daniel, d. 10/30/18-8; 60th year. (Altar-tomb).
Eliza, dau. Enoch & Hannan, d. 9/28/1827; 21st year. "Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.
To walk from this valley of tears
To bear thee triumphantly home
The chariot of Israel appears
The convoy of angels has come."
Elizabeth B. dau. Daniel & Eliza, d, 8/9/1849; 30th year.
Enoch. d. 8/26/1827; 49th year. (John 5:29).
George. s. James & Hannah, d. 2/9/1806; 30th year.
Hannah. wife James, d. 8/22/1813; 62nd year.
Hannah. wife Enoch, d. 7/23/1832; 30th year. "Here we have no continuing city, But we seek one to come whose builder & maker is God"
Isaac. d. 8/ll/l813; aged 57 years.
James. son James & Hannah, d. 9/9/1812; 29th year.
James. d. 9/22/1827; aged 75/8/16.
Jane. wife Isaac, d. 8/21/1829; 61st year.
Martha D. 5/10/1808 - 9/4/1878. "They also that sleep in Jesus Will God bring with him"
Matilda. dau. Joseph & Ann, d. 4/2/1836; aged 2/3/0.
Phineas P. son Samuel & Eliza, 4/3/1817 - 9/28/1836; 19th year.
"Having been by a Bible (taught) Profession of faith in Christ A member of the Baptist Church of the Great Valley upward of four years."
Samuel P. d. 3/28/1878; aged 57 years.

ACHUFF, Marvine. (s. Plummer) d. 12/19/1911; aged 26/4/4. "Our Son"

ANDES, David, Jr. Co. G, 21st Pa. Cav. (G. A. R. flag).
Elizabeth. 1840 - 1918.

ARMSTRONG, Irvine. 1849 - 1930.

BAILY, Mary M. M.D. ; 10/3/1810 - 6/24/1865. (Joint stone with Joshua & Eliza Evans).

BAKER, Calvin E. d. 2/16/1921; 21st year.
Geo. L. 1845 - 1912; Co. G, 6 Reg. N. J. Vol. (G. A. R. flag).
Joseph. 1848 - 1922.
Martha A. 1878 - 1893.
Theodore W. 1875 - 1875. (Granite log).

BALDWIN, Helen. 1897 - 1934. "Daughter"

BANES, Sarah, wife John M., 5/1/1829 - 8/21/1858. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their labors."

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BARBER, Benj. son Wm. & Eliza, d. 6/30/1840; 1 y. 17 d.
"Dear Parents why should you weep
Your little babe lies here A'sleep
His soul in Jesus busom dwells
Singing redeeming love to tell."

BASER, Betsey, d. 6/21/1771; aged 51 years.

BARGEE, Effie L. Mayer. 1892 - 1938.
Mary Jane. 1867 ~ 1926.

BARNES, Louise Prank. 9/12/1862 - 10/26/1894.

BABNET, Lydia S. d. 3/2/1887; aged 55 years. (Cf. Rev. 14:13).

BARRY, Sarah, wife James, d. 9/7/1820; aged 70th year.
James, d. 8/11/1818; 82nd year.

BARSBY, Phoebe Godber. wife Samuel, 1829 - 1915.

BARTHOLOMEW, Ann. d. 4/20/1766; aged 36 years.

"Here I'm doom'd with my shade Till in the silent grave In hope with them shall rise And endless mercy have."

Benjamin, d. 11/18/1784; 60 year.
Capt. Benjamin. 2/16/1752 - 3/31/1812.

"At the earliest period of the Revolutionary War, he left his plough and with a heart glowing with patriotism he served a seven years' war in defence of his country headed by the gallant Wayne and after receiving many wounds gaining much honor and seeing his country free returned to his plough again. He died on his own fertile and well cultivated farm. Lamented by his relatives & friends And sincerely regretted By his neighbors. His remains Are here deposited."

(Monument, D. A. R.
& Sons Am. Rev. flag).
Benjamin. 1/29/1827 - 8/26/1901.
Edward. son Thomas & Rachel, d. 11/lO/1829; 8th year,
Elizabeth. wife Joseph, d. 9/13/1911; aged 29/11/27.
George R. M.D., 3/23/1831 - 10/23/1885.
Hannah. wife William Esq.

"the kind and Beloved partner of his life who died some days before him in the 19th year of her Age and whose remains are also here interred. Heaven gives Friends to bless the present scene Presume to prepare for the next."

Hannah. dau. Joseph & Elizabeth, d. 1/1/1824; aged 9/8/10.
Harry B. 1/27/1882 - 12/30/1885.
Howard. son John & Marthie, 4/24/1872 - 7/13/1872.
J. Cleaver. son John & Lydia, 5/2/1829 - 5/13/1857.
John, Esq. d. 1/24/1814; 66th year.

"He was the kind husband, the affectionate parent, the invariable friend, the firm Patriot, and honorable in all his dealings. His Masonic brethren of whose institution he was an ornamental member lamenting his removal from earth anticipating with others a re-union thro the mercy of the great Master Builder. In this Lodge which is durable and Celestial."

(Altar-tomb, flags D. A. R. & Sons Am. Rev.)

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John. 12/12/1789 - 5/11/1871.
John, son Joseph & Elizabeth, 6/3/1811 - 1/29/1854.
John. 1839 - 1913.
Joseph. d. 11/7/1754; aged 40 years.

"Remember man as thou pass by As thou art now so once was I As I am now so must thou be Therefore think on eternity"

Joseph. d. 2/11/1818; 68th year.
Lethea. wife Joseph, d. 5/16/1783; aged 38 years.

"0 say thou much loved Dear departed Shade
Hast thou Strayed
The Soul also has fled To endless day
And left its House a mouldering mass of clay."

Lydia Cleaver. wife John, 9/24/1798 - 8/27/1882.
Marthie. wife John, 2/6/1840 - 5/6/1872.
Mary Ann. d. 3/5/1824; 29th year.
Rachel. wife Capt. Benjamin, 3/7/1765 - 12/4/1848.
Sarah, d. 1/25/1859; aged 71 years.
William, son John & Lidia, d. 2/25/1829; aged 4/0/10.

BATT, Daniel. d. 12/3/1870; aged 67 years.

"All within this home are lonely Everyone is sad today For the one we loved so dearly Has forever passed away."

BAUMGARD, John C. 1856 - 1917.
Lena W. 1860 - 1927. (Joint stone with John C.)

BEATTY, Andrew H. 5/31/1834 - 7/20/1925. (G. A. R. flag) "Father"
Hannah M. wife Andrew H., 12/l/l841 - 7/7/1918. "Mother"

BEAVER, Catherine, wife Charles, 9/24/1820 - 4/13/1872.
Charles C. son John & Eliza, 10/17/1840 - 9/22/1849.
Dea. Charles. "Entered into Rest Sabbath morning," 11/6/1881; 76th year.
Deborah. wife John, & dau. James & Sarah Barry, d. 11/1/1829; aged 36/2/0.
Devault. 1892 - 1893. "At Rest"
Elizabeth. 9/15/1788 - 4/14/1879.
Eliza Campbell. wife John, d. 1/27/1882; aged 75 years.
Eliza J. 1839 - 1925.
George. son John & Deborah, 9/5/1817 - 3/2/1833.
George. d. 9/34/1848; aged 81/2/21. (Job 14:10)
George H. 1857 - 1933. (Joint stone with Ida E.)
Ida E. 1864 - 1920.
John. son John & Deborah, d. 7/2/1836; aged 7/2/1.
John. d. 3/15/1872; 61st year.

"Asleep in Jesus' blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep."

Jerome A. 11/15/1838 - 3/19/1897.
Mary A. 1/31/1825 - 11/28/1895, "Dear Mother Peacefully sleep beloved one"
Phineas P. 6/23/1823 - 3/14/1867, "Dear Father To the weary rest is sweet"
Sarah. dau. George & Susanna, Great Valley, d. 3/26/1858; aged 29/7/14.

"My parents dear weep not for me
When in this yard my grave you see
My time was short but blest was he
That call'd me to eternity."

Sarah Ann. wife Charles, 1831 - 1904.
Susan. 6/26/1795 - 2/20/1882.
Susanna. wife George, Sen., d. 12/1/1847; aged 78/4/0.
"Having a good hope in Christ."

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BEAUMONT, Anna M. dau. Rush & Martha, d. 5/15/--; aged 1/6/3.
Eber. 1809 - 1878.
Howard. 1883 - 1916. (Masonic emb.)
Margaret. 1816 - 1900. (Joint stone with Eber.)
Martha A. 1850 - 1924.
Robert G. 1885 - 1920. (Masonic emb.)
Rush. 1850 - 1929.

BENNETT, Jennie. 3/17/1843 - 5/16/1916.

BESSONETT, Emma. 1/14/1850 - 2/18/1906.

BEWLEY, Abigail. relict John. d. 4/25/1803; aged 78 years.

"Epitaph: The prayer is seel'd the soul is fled
And sees her Saviour face to face
But still she speaks to us tho' dead
And calls us to that Heavenly place
Where all the storms of life are o'er
And souls Immortal still remain
Where pain and parting is no more
And Spirits are Exempt from pain."

George, d. 12/24/1798; 59th year.

"With heavenly weapons he hath fought The battle of the Lord Finish'd his course, and kept the faith And gain'd the great reward, God hath laid up in Heaven for him A crown which cannot fade, The Righteous Judge at that great day Shall place it on his head."

Hannah. wife Isaac, d. 3/6/1798.

"This languishing head is at rest, Its thinking & aching are o'er This quiet immovable breath Is heard by affliction no more This heart is no longer the Seat Of trouble & torturing pain It ceases to Flutter & beat It never Shall Flutter again The Lids she so Seldom could close By pain forbidden to Sleep Sealed up in Eternal repose Have strangely forgotten to weep The Fountains can yield no Suplies These bellows from water are free The tears are all wip'd from her eyes And sorrow they never shall see."

John. d. 1/2/1799; aged 57th year.

"Why do you mourn departed friends Or shake at Death's alarm Tis but the voice that Jesus Sends to call us to his arms Why should you tremble to convey my body to the tomb There the dear flesh of Jesus lay And left a long perfume The graves of all the saints he blest And soft'ned every bed Where should the living members rest But with the dying head My dear Redeemer is above Him I have gone to see And all my friends in Christ below shall soon come after me."

BIERGENTS, Bloomfield. son Bloomfield & Mary, d. 9/14/1913; aged 11 days.

BISHOP, Samuel G. d. 6/13/1900; aged 65 years. Acting Masters' Mate, U. S. M.
"Cast the anchor, furl the sail I am safe within the gale."
(G. A. R. flag).

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BITTLE, A. McKinny. 1848 - 1854.
Ann M. d. 12/3/1873; aged 83 years.
Bernard, d. 7/1/1845; 26th year. (psalms 17:15).
Carry M. 1872 - 1872.
Catherine. 1890.
Charles, d. 11/28/1890; aged 78 years.
Eliza P. McKinny, 1886,
Ellsworth S. 1861 - 1887.
Eusebia B. wife Vincent D., d. 4/3/1885; aged 54 years.
George, d. 3/16/1872; aged 91 years.
James, d. 12/10/1825; aged 22 years. (Job 19:25).
Joseph. 1890.
Judson B. 1858-1858.
Leonard F. 1833 - 1905. "With Jesus"
Mary. 1837 - 1922.
Mary Ann. eldest dau. Chas. & Sarah, d. 9/12/1840; 3rd year.
Mary Malinda. dau. Chas. & Sarah, d. 11/5/1853; 19th year.
Samuel. 1822 - 1882. (Joint mon. with Mary, Thurston, Carry, A. McKinny, Judson, Ellsworth, Eliza, Joseph & Catherine).
Sarah, wife Charles, d. 8/20/1895; aged 79 years.
Thurston. 1886 - 1900.

BLACK, Mary J. wife John R., 4/3/1834 - 5/6/1905.
John R. 5/11/1829 - 6/22/1908.

BLOOM, Lizzie W. 7/30/1839 ~ 9/4/1907.

BONHAM, H. Emma. 11th year. "A Mother's Tribute - Asleep in Jesus"

BOOTH, Anna E. d. 11/6/1871; aged 16/2/1,

"Home is sad without thee darling Thy sweet voice is heard no more
But we trust a saviour's blessing Greets thee on the distant shore."

BOWEN, Abijah H. d. 8/7/1858.
A. Harry. d. 12/10/1911.
Angeline. d. 4/8/1871.
Edward S. d, 6/1/1875.
Hannah, d. 8/8/1860. (Joint mon. for Bowen Family).

BOWMAN, Eliza Kauffman. wife Jonas & dau. Henry Kauffman, 12/6/1829 - 11/10/1865.
"A Christian Mother"
Infant son Jonas & Eliza.
Jonas. 10/29/1810 - 10/1/1903. "Father - Affection"

BOYD, John G. d, 2/17/1842; 33rd year.

BROOKS, Sarah. d. 3/13/1839; 69th year.

BROWER, Catherine. wife Frank, 1822 - 1894.
Catherine C. 1868 - 1937.
Frank. 1815 - 1901. (Family mon.)

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BROWN, Anna T. wife James F., 3/25/1325 - 12/23/1880.
"Absent from the body, at home with the Lord."
Ellen W. nee Rennard, wife Jacob, 1842 - 1914.
Eusebia Neville. wife James F., 1/12/1857 - 1/29/18.
Jacob. 7/2/1825 ~ 3/3/1907.
Jas. Fuller, D.D. son Rev. Thos. & Mary Lewis, 7/4/1818 - 4/26/1901.

"Pastor 1845 - 1854 Great Valley Baptist Church. Pastor also in Gainsville, Ala., Scotch Plains, Bridgeton, Stelton, N. J., and Tunkhannock, Pa. A good minister of Jesus Christ."

(Granite shaft)
Mary K. dau. John & Sophia Lewis, 5/l/l786 - 10/9/1859.

"Behold the bed of death The pale and mortal clay Heard the sob of parting breath Marked ye the eyes last ray No life so sweetly ceased to be It lapsed in immortality."

Rev. Thomas. b. Newark, N. J., 11/1/1779, d. 1/17/1831.

"He was ordained to the Gospel Ministry Anno Domini 1806. Was pastor of the Church at Salem, three years, and entered on the pastoral charge of this Church in Nov. A.D. 1808. He left a wife and nine children to mourn their irreparable loss and also a deeply afflicted Church who in testimony of their high esteem, have placed this stone to his memory. The righteous shall be in everlasting rememberance. Stay: Stranger, stay and shed a tear Where many a load has flowed A man of worth lies here A holyman of God."

(Altar-tomb, flag)
Reuben Hudson. 7/6/1871 - 5/24/1884.
BURR, Phillis.

"who was born in Africa, brought to America in the slaveship Ganges, and sold into slavery to pay her passage, and died April 18th, 1872, aged nearly 100 years. Erected by the Great Valley Baptist Church. Faithful onto death."

BURROUGH, Edward B. 9/30/1833 - 11/15/1932. (Compass & Square, G. A. R. flag)
Emma J. wife Edw. B., 3/15/1857 - 4/10/1903. "Gone home"

BUSTIGE, Kate. b. Edinboro, Scotland; d. Devon, Pa., 5/25/1899; aged 54 years.
(Psalms 127:2)
J. G. B. (No other inscription). BROWN, - - - ville (Obliterated).

CAGENE, Isaac, d. 9/22/1805; aged 32 years.

CAMPBELL, Archibold. A native of Ireland, d. 4/27/1829; aged 26/3/27.
David. 7/22/1851 - 4/9/1904.
Eliza. wife Thomas, d. 10/31/1911; 88th year.
Hannah. wife William, d. 8/12/1889; aged 27 years.

"A loving wife, a mother dear
A faithful Friend lies buried here."

John. d. 4/15/1856; 72nd year.

"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart fixed trusting in the Lord."

Maria. wife John, d. 2/23/1827; 44th year.
Mary. wife William, 1/8/1852; aged 86/8/23.

"She died in Jesus and is blest
How sacred her slumbers are
From suffering and from sin released
And free from every snare."

Thomas. d, 6/28/1896; aged 86 years.
William. d. 12/13/1837; 78th year.

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CARR, Rush B. d. 7/11/1867; aged 22 years.

"A dutiful son and affectionate brother another of our nation's defenders added to our list of patriotic dead who enlisted in the dark days of 1862 in the 119th Regt, Pa. Vols. was banded with the gallant 6th corps the noble army of the Potomic (sic) served three years was permitted to return and enjoy for a brief period the pleasure of home and friends when he was stricken down reminding us that are left behind that in the midst of life we are in death." (G. A. R. flag).

CASSON, Sarah E. 1929 - 1931.

CLEAVER, Eliza A. dau. Hiram & Jane A., 1835 - 1836.
Eliza E. dau. Isaac A. & Mary K., 1874 - 1875.
Eugene D. son Isaac A. & Mary K., 1867 - 1897.
Frank F. son Isaac A. & Mary K., 1865 - 1875.
Hiram. 1806 - 1854.
Hiram, son Hiram & Jane A., 2/1867 - 7/1867.
Hiram. 1801 - 1877. (Joint fam. mon.)
Horace J. son Hiram & Serena D., 2/1867 - 7/1887.
Isaac. d. 3/15/1828; aged 60 years.
Isaac A. 1843 - 1909. (Joint fam. mon., G. A. R. flag)
Jane Abraham. wife Hiram, 1806 - 1854.
J. Jones, son Hiram & Serena D., 3/1857 - 6/1885.
Lydia. Infant dau. Hiram & Jane A., 1838.
Mary B. dau. Isaac A. & Mary K., 1870 - 1873.
Mary K. dau. Isaac A. & M. Elizabeth Groff, 1884 - 1928.
Mary Kauffman. wife Isaac A., 1835 - 1874.
Moreau. son Isaac A, & M. Elizabeth Groff, 1883 - 1884.
Rachel. (wife Isaac) d. 8/6/1836; aged 63 years.
Sarah J. dau. Hiram & Jane A., 1834 - 1846.
Sarah J. Infant dau. Isaac A. & Mary B. K., 1872.
Serena D. Jones. (wife Hiram) 1827 - 1913.
M. Elizabeth Groff. wife Isaac A., 1856 - 1927.

CHATTIN, Annie F. wife John M., 1861 - 1916.
Marten F. d. 1/11/1899; aged 63/4/5; Co. F, 175 Reg. 0. V. (G. A. R. flag)
Naomi R. 1834 - 1917. "Mother"
John M, 1863 - 1937.

CHILDS, Anna Warner. wife Jos. H., Jr., 1870 - 1933.

CLARK, Lenora M. 1873 - 1922.

CLEMSON, Elizabeth J. 3/29/1800 - 12/10/1892.
Isabella P. wife Wilmer J., d. 11/7/1895; aged 48th year.
James A. 9/18/1808 - 3/18/1876. "In memory of my husband
Gone but not forgotten."

CLINGER, Jacob. d. 12/l/l840; aged 27/3/0. (John 5:29)
Jacob, son Wm. & Mary Gamble, 12/23/1829 - 7/26/1862.

"The deceased was a member of Co. F, 82nd Regt. P. V. was wounded on picket duty in front of Richmond, Va., June 26th, and died at Brooklyn City Hospital of Typhoid Fever."

(Flag Mont. Co. '6l)

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COLEHOWER, Eliza Jones, wife Henry G., 4/16/1824 - 2/4/1885.
Henry G. d. 11/15/1856; 32nd year.
Little Willie's Grave.

COMPTON, Our Emma. dau. A. G. & Rebecca.

COOKE, Harry M. 1845 - 1919.

CORFIELD, Adam. A native of England, d. 9/17/1826; aged 58 years.

CORNOG, Abner, Sr. d. 8/23/1856; aged 73rd year.

Abraham, d. 10/15/1902; 65 years,

"See How He treads the courts Above
The pavements of Eternal Love /blood
Wondering he kneels and hails That
Which reconciled his hart to God."

Our Little Anna B. d. 10/9/1861.
Catherine, wife David. d. 12/11/1779, aged 81 years.
Daniel, d. 3/13/1802; 68th year.

"When Christ his Judgment seat ascends and Bids The World Appear Thrones are prepared for All His friends Who Humbly Loved Him here."

David, d. 4/24/1780; aged 87 years.
Dinah, d. 9/28/1828; 71st year.

"Her mind was tranquil and serene
No terror in her look was seen
A Saviour had dispeled the gloom
And smoothed her passage to the tomb."

Margaret, wife Thomas. d. 7/5/1811; aged 76 years.
Margaret, wife Abner. d. 1/1/1864; 73rd year.

"Midst rising winds and beating storms Reclinging (sic) on thy breast
I find in thee a biding place And there securely rest."

Sarah, wife Daniel, d. 9/27/1827; 84th year.

"Holy Jesus, God of love
Send down and take me up above
0 take me to thy arms of rest
That I may be forever blest."

Thomas, d. 8/20/1790; 64th year.

CORY, Prt. Richard J. 1887 - 1935. U. S. M. C. World War. (Flag)

COX, Frances R. Campbell, wife William, d. 2/8/1804; 80th year.
William. A native of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 12/19/1817 - 3/2/1899.

CREWE, Frances Ellen. dau. Samuel & Emma, d. 5/1864; aged 17 years. "With Jesus"
Mr. Samuel. From Congleton, England, d. 12/1873; aged 75 years. (Job 19:25)

CROSLEY, Dorothy. dau. Wm. R. & Katie B., d. 7/23/1909; 12 years.
"Our Treasure in Heaven"
William R. 1865 - 1914. "We miss you father dear and none can take your place"

CROZIER, Margaret. d. 4/9/1866; 79th year.

"Dear mother rest Thy work is done
Thy Saviour has called Thee to his home."

CURLL, James. d. 8/29/1797; aged 19 years.
Jerome A. d. 1/19/1863; 20th year. Co. C, 40th (Mozart) N. Y. Vol.
"A brave spirit lies buried here. He died a glorious death in his country's cause." (G. A. R. flag)

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CUTLER, Levi. 1842 - 1902. Co. G, 138 Regt. P. V. (G. A. R. flag).

DANIEL, Mary Caroline. 2/25/1335 - 4/8/1863, "He giveth his "beloved sleep"

DANNAKER, Mary B. wife Levi, 1847 - 1881.

DAVID, John. d. 7/17/1756; aged 58 years.
Judson. son Samuel & Martha, d. 9/20/1840; aged 6/9.

DAVIS, Abigail. dau. Elijah & Elizabeth, d. 5/31/1815; aged 52nd year.
Abigal. d, 12/1/1723; aged 23 years.
Abigal. relict Job, d. 4/25/1803; aged 78 years. (Cf. Abigail Bewley verse)
Abisial. wife John, d. 12/10/173-; aged 28 years.
Ann. wife Dr. John, d. l/28/1815; aged 63 years. (Altar-tomb)
Ann. d. 10/31/1886; aged 73rd year.
Ann. wife Enoch. &. 12/ll/l82'J; aged 25 years. (Joint stone with Capt. John)
Anna E. dau. Wm. & Sarah, d. 11/12/1840; 21 years. "For me to die is gain"
Anna Elizabeth. dau. Thomas & Sarah, d. 7/2/1855; aged 2/3/5.

"Dear lovely babe safe landed on that shore
Where grief, where pain, where sorrow are no more."

Benjamin. son Wm. & Sarah, d. 12/3/1845; aged 32 years. (Matt. 24:44)
Benjamin. d. 8/2/1814; 72nd year.
Betsey. d. 9/30/1895; aged 32 years.
Cadwalader F. d. 9/16/1802; aged 44 years.
Catherine. wife James, d. 10/18/1844; aged 59/5/21.
Catherine. wife Benjamin, d. 11/13/1826; 79th year.
Charles S. son George & Sarah A., d. 2/7/1870; 9th year.
Charles Fairlamb. son Wm. & Ann, d. 2/14/1853; aged 2/2/20.

"So fades the lovely blooming flower
frail smiling solace of an hour
so soon our transient comforts fly
and pleasures only bloom to die."

Charles M. 1882 - 1939.
Elijah. d. 1/9/1785; 61st year.

"Dear friends for me pray do not weep
I em not dead but here to sleep
Deposited within this clay
Until the Resurrection day
And here indeed I must remain
Till Christ shall raise me up again
And then thro him I shall ascend
Where boundless joys shall have no end."

Eliza. wife Job, d. 4/20/1810; aged 52/6/4.
Eliza. 8/5/1805 - 1/21/1863. "Love one another as I have loved you."
Elizabeth. dau. John & Margaret, d. 10/21/1871; aged 36/3/16.
Elizabeth. wife Elijah & dau. Rev. Thomas & Martha Jones, d. 8/2/1824; aged 84/0/1.
Emma, wife James J. 1843 - 1913.
Emma A, 1832 - 1914.
Emma M. d. 9/9/1830. (Joint stone with John A. Wiser )
Our Gaddie. aged 10 months, also Willie.
Our Gallie. aged 11 years.

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"This was a lovely flower upon a slender spray
But a rude blast came with sudden power And swept the bloom away
It bent beneath the blow And its leaves to earth were given
But the bitter wind that laid it low Bore its fragrance into Heaven."

George. d. 11/5/1865; aged. 44/4/22.
George F. d. 7/23/1891; 60th year.
Grace. wife James,, d. 8/12/1824; 38th year.
Hannah. Sept. 14, MDCCLXXII - March XXth MDCCCXLV.
Harold. (No dates)
Harry R. son Geo. & Sarah A., d. 7/26/1891; 32nd year.
Hetty. dau. Wm. & Sarah, d. 7/28/1889; 69 years. "He doeth all things well"
Hetty E. 6/13/1837 - 8/7/1863. "In death we are not divided." (Stone joined with that of Mary Caroline)
Ida L. wife T. L., d. 12/16/1920.
James. d. 3/8/1802; aged 87 years.

"My body now from pain Released within the peaceful Grave
shall rest til the last Trumpet which blast the skies
And bid the sleeping dead arise.
My wasting flesh and mouldering Bones
shall spring to life when and rise to meet Him ----
Drest immortal strong and fair."

James. d. 10/22/1852; aged 68/8/13. "Father peace be thine"
Jane. d. 2/12/1750; aged 60 years.
Jane. d. 2/17/1756; aged 65 years.
Janette. dau. Samuel & Martha, 10/21/1825 - in California, 3/5/1878.
Baby Jim. 1918. (Joint stone with James, Milton and Ruby)
John. d. 5/22/1737; aged 65 years.

"Time hasten on the hour The Just shall wake and sing
0, Grave where is the Power? 0 death where is the sting?
Death thou hast conquor'd me I by thy Dart am slain
But Christ has conquor'd thee And I shall rise again."

John, son Benj. & Ra., d. 8/26/1755; aged 2/7.
John. d. 5/29/1757; aged 66 years. (Verse same as John)
John, son Wm. & Hannah, d. 8/7/1777.
Rev. John. d. 10/19/1778; 76 years.

"Forty-six Tears with pleasure to serve
The Gospel to Preach, the Truth to Preserve
Now he's call'd home his reward to receive
And he with his God forever to Live."

John. son John & Margaret, d. 4/30/1833; aged 1/3/22.

"Grieve not my friend thy lovely babe is past the sense of pain
Submission to the hand that gave Resign him back again."

John. son Deacon Davis, d. 7/17/1812; aged 24 years.
John, M.D. d. 2/13/1816; aged 71 years. (Altar-tomb, flag)
Capt. John. d. 6/19/1872; aged 55 years. (Joint stone with Ann Davis & Mary M. Baily, M.D., G. A. R.. flag)
John. 4/29/1801 - 2/22/1884.
John Dain. 6/2/1832- 3/7/1868. (G. A. R. flag)
John E. son John & Rebecca, d. 8/20/1850; aged O/11/12. "Adieu dear child we soon must be together."
Jonathan. d. 4/1/1854; aged 53/5/16. (Matt. 24:44)
Job. d. 10/2/1837; aged 49/5/11.
Josephine. dau. Cephis & Mary, d. 1/25/1846; aged 5/7/23.

(To Be Continued)


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