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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: 1943 Volume 5 Number 3, Pages 60–61 From the pen of the secretary
The year 1942 will long be remembered as a history-making epoch, the year of weighty problems, of curtailed activities and of slow progress. Our great country was at war. This brought about change in the purposes of many clubs and societies, as well as the lives of the individuals who make up these important groups. Many organizations disbanded "for the duration". The Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club resolved to carry on despite the problems and obstacles that constantly obstructed the smooth procedure of the meetings. It was in February, 1942, that the newly elected officers "took over". They were: Franklin L. Burns, President; Ruth J, Moore, First Vice President; Mrs. Alfred Prime, Second Vice President; Katharine Stroh, Treasurer; Mrs. W. T. Mansley, Secretary. The President then announced his appointments: Mr. W, T, Mansley, Curator; Public Lecture Committee: Dr. J. Alden Mason, Dr. Crosswell McBee, and Wm. T. Mansley; Marker Committee: Mrs. Alfred Prime, W. C. Latch, Myrtle Wandless, Joseph Read, and Conrad Wilson; Committee on Welsh Heraldry: Dr. McBee, Mrs. Mansley, and Mrs. Beaumont; Program: H. S. Okie, Dr. Mason, Mrs. Bradley, Myrtle Wandless, and Ruth J. Moore; Hospitality: Ruth J. Moore, Mrs. Heagy, Mrs. Okie, W. T. Mansley, W. C. Latch, Dr. McBee, and Mrs. Prime; Trip Committee: W. C. Latch, H. S. Okie, Ruth J. Moore, Katharine Stroh, Mrs. Bradley, Myrtle Wandless; Publication Committee: F. L. Burns, W. T. Mansley, Mrs. Heagy, Mrs. Prime, Mrs. Bradley, and Dr. Mason. It was in February that our community had its first blackout and Registration Day for Selective Service for men 20 to 44. The question of having a banquet became an important topic for the next several meetings. The members decided that the only patriotic thing to do would be to dispense with banquets until after the war. In its stead a picnic was held on the lawn of the Heagy home in the month of August. This proved to be an inexpensive, pleasant, and appropriate way of celebrating the anniversary of the organization of the Club in 1936. Another important topic was that concerning the publication of the Quarterly. Although it was the original intention to publish four issues per year it was felt later that, because of the war, only two numbers should be issued, in 1942, and also in 1943. Many members who helped with the publication of the Quarterly were in war work, and, in order to save paper, light, and heat, this seemed to be the proper course to take for the time being. One pleasant activity of the Club that WAS enjoyed by those who were able to participate was the taking of trips to places of historic interest. Early in the year the members visited the University of Pennsylvania Museum; the new rooms of the Chester County Historical Society in West Chester; a hike over the site of the Glassley Commons; and an inspection of the Memorial Church Museum at Valley Forge -- the last trip where the automobile was used as a means of transportation. Gasoline had become a limited product. Now, since driving for pleasure is outmoded "for the duration", our trips will take the form of hikes. At the close of the business session of each meeting one or more papers on a historical subject were usually read. They were as a rule prepared by members. The following titles suggest some of the topics and authors:
"The Old Lancaster or Conestoga Road" by Boyle Irwin and Howard S. Okie A number of interesting papers and scrapbooks were given to Wm. T. Mansley, the Curator, to be placed in the archives of the Club. At one meeting a most interesting talk and exhibit of Indian relics was given by Joseph Read, who, for some time, has made a hobby of collecting such articles. During the year of 1942, it was the pleasure of the Club to welcome as members the following persons: Mrs. Charles J. Erickson, Mr. Edward Tyson, Mr. Joseph Read, Dr. and Mrs. George C. Vaillant, Miss Gertrude Gloor, Mrs. Edith Beaumont, Miss Jean Beaumont, and Major E. S. Gardner. Our members have contributed much to the success of the meetings by the interest they have taken in them. The above report gives some idea of the work done in the Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club and the efforts put forth by the members to make the meetings profitable and enjoyable. May the challenge of 1943 be met with hope, courage, and sincerity. |
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