Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 1965 Volume 13 Number 3, Page 62

Resolution passed by the Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club at their meeting February 25, 1965

Page 62

WHEREAS: It has pleased Almighty God to call from our midst Phoebe Phillips Prime, a Charter member and past president of our Club;

BE IT RESOLVED: That we record in the minutes of the club our profound sorrow in the passing of this charter member Until the time when poor health overtook Phoebe Prime she endeared herself to our membership with her devotion to her community, to our club, and to her never tiring research of the early history of our community. Her knowledge of the history of silver was recognized throughout the land. Her quick sense of wit was a joy to all who came to know her. We will always remember her services to the club, as a charter member, a member of the Quarterly committee, as honorary member, a president and for the many duties of the club which she fulfilled.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be sent to her daughter Mrs. Richard Swain, and to her son Mr. Alfred C. Prime.


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