Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: October 1965 Volume 13 Number 4, Pages 78–92

History of the Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club 1936-1965

Myrtle Wandless

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After experiencing such an active and meaningful beginning, it is to be expected that such interest in local history would continue. As Rev. Crosswell McBee wrote in a short article titled "An Impression" which appeared in an early "Quarterly","The Club is meant to be a hive without drones".

Until his death in June, 1940, Mr. Teamer acted as President. with the same corps of officers. Mr. Burns followed Mr. Teamer as president until 1943 when Mrs. John F. Heagy was elected. At that time Mr. Burns was named honorary president. Until the second revision of the constitution in 1949, the officers were elected for a term of one year. Since then, election of officers occurs every two years. (1)

At the meeting on January 4, 1937, Mr. Howard S. Okie presided and due to the fact that Mr. Teamer was in the hospital, the closing of the Charter was deferred to February and the organization of the club was postponed.

June 14, 1937, new members were voted into the club.

The original committees were few: mention was made of Aims and Objects Committee, a By-Laws Committee, Trip, Membership, and Curator. Later the following committees were listed: Membership, Trip, Public Lecture, Heraldry, Exchange, Quarterly, Hospitality, and Program. The Curator was last mentioned in 1945. The Librarian is mentioned first in 1946. In the same year the first past-presidents pins were presented. Until 1942 there was no Roll Call chairman, the responses of the members were included in the minutes.

The Aims and Objects of the organization were set up in April, 1937. The first revision of the By-Laws was made in 1944. As a result of the second revision, the Project and the Library committees were added in 1949.

In the 1940's Dr. McBee, Rector of St. Davids, was appointed club chaplain.

At present the committees which function are - Hospitality, Projects, Special Projects - the Log Cabin, Librarian, Quarterly, Publicity, Program, Roll Call, Scrap Book, and Rememberance.

Under Special Committees there have been three which have accomplished something of merit. The first of these the Marker Committee which was responsible for marking the site of the "Old Stone Chimney Picket" at the corner of Swedesford and Baptist Roads with a suitably inscribed stone marker. This was done on August 1, 1939 with appropriate ceremonies. Mr. Frank Burns was chairman.

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In 1946 a committee was formed under the chairmanship of Mrs. Wandless, to observe Pennsylvania Week. Until 1952, each October, this committee presented an interesting display, usually in the Library window, concerning Pennsylvania. At that time the Library was located at the southwest corner of Knox Avenue and Route 30.

The other special committee which is still functioning in 1965 was initiated in February of 1960 when the Club became actively interested in preserving the Van Leer Cabin on the grounds of the Conestoga High School. The Chester County Historical Society, the Valley Forge Historical Society, and the King of Prussia Historical Society were contacted to join in preserving the cabin. In March of that year Mrs. Leroy Fisher was named chairman of the committee which consists of two members from each of the clubs, and our Club president. The cabin has been restored and will soon be complete.

The "Quarterly", the official magazine of the Club, has published an impressive list of articles concerning the history of the area. It, too, has undergone changes in the number of issues published per year. In fact, at one time, January, 1951, there was discussion as to continuation of the "Quarterly". Until September, 1942, there were four issues a year, then a motion was passed to publish two issues a year, four issues composing a volume.

The annual dues of the organization were set at $1, and they were not raised until February, 1961.

The places of meeting have been varied throughout the existence of the Club. In its early years, until his death, Mr. Teamer was host to most of the meetings, then Mr. W. C. Latch allowed us to use his home from October, 1940, until March, 1949. After that the meetings were held in the homes of the members until a short interlude when the Club had a headquarters and met there "fitfully" from September, 1950, until August, 1953, although the rent of $1 was paid to 1954. The building, known as "Dr. Hannah Croasdale's School Building" had been offered to the Club in July, 1950, by Mrs. Croasdale. It was used to store the Club archives, and it was such an attractive little place that it was fitted up by the members for use for meetings which were held there occasionally. In October, 1956, we learned that the headquarters had been broken into; windows were broken, books and papers were scattered about, and the banner, the cow bell, and two carriage lanterns were taken. Subsequently the banner and the cow bell were returned. The last word on the little building is that it was purchased by Mr. Conrad Wilson in January, 1959, and moved to his home on Irish Road.

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The day of the meeting has changed also. Until February, 1943, the meetings were held the first Tuesday of the month, then they were held on the Second Monday. From February 1945 to June of that year they were held on the fourth Thursday, then they reverted to the second Monday. Finally in April 1947 the date was changed to the fourth Thursday of the month. Meetings have been held regularly except in January 1961 when that meeting was cancelled due to snow, and in 1964 when the members voted to have no meetings in July and August. The August meeting, since 1942, had become traditionally a picnic meeting celebrating the origin of the Club. In August, 1943, it was decided to send postcards to the members each month to remind them of the meeting.

Until 1950, the annual meetings were held in February; then the date was changed to January.

January 6, 1953, an innovation was introduced; that was the date of the first "Twelfth Night Meeting". This meeting takes the place of the December meeting and it is held usually on the Sunday near Twelfth Night. In 1955 and in 1965 we did not have our Twelfth Night meeting due to weather. At this meeting, which is devoted to a program concerning the season, the traditional pieces of fruit cake, in one of which is concealed a bean, are passed. The member who receives the bean must then act as host for the next Twelfth Night meeting.

One meeting which stands out and which was enjoyed by all, was an Indian supper held on March 25, 1954, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fisher. It was arranged by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Joseph Read. The menu consisted of foods which the Indians would have had - deerburgers, baked beans, sweet potatoes, corn bread, and cranberries. Kernels of corn were used to pay for the butter, sugar, coffee and cream.

On March 7, 1939 the first annual Banquet was held at the Windmill Tea Room (the General Jackson Inn) at Paoli. Originally the Club had these affairs at some historic inn. To date the following Inns have played host:- The King of Prussia (once), Ye Old Bull Tavern (three times), General Warren (twice), Wayside Inn (General Jackson) (Five times).

The first two banquets were held in March, then they were moved to April until 1946 when the date was moved to September, then most of the banquets have been held in October. In 1942, due to the war, a picnic was held in August on the sixth birthday of the Club in place of a banquet, when the members gave recollections of former meetings. In 1943 and 1944 there was no formal dinner.

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The Toastmaster at the original banquet in 1939, was Dr. McBee, and the speakers were all members of the club; they included: S. Paul Teamer, Mrs. John Croasdale, Mrs. Alfred C. Prime, and Howard S. Okie. At this first banquet Mrs. John F. Heagy, chairman of the Heraldry committee, presented a banner consisting of a Welsh dragon embroidered in purple on white satin between bands of green, (green and white being the club colors).

Two other emblems of authority which are always handed on to the incoming president of the organization are: first - the Gavel presented December, 1944, made by Mr. Franklin Wandless from wood of one of the original "Signal Chestnut Trees"; and second - the Cow Bell to be used to call the meeting to order, which was presented to the Club, through Mrs. Heagy, by Mr. George Hentzel on the occasion of a trip to Lancaster County taken in July, 1941.

The Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club has been active in community relations. Number 5 under Aims and Objects states: "Contributions to the establishment of an historical background and tradition as a foundation upon which to build American culture." In line with this aim the Club was called upon in 1951 by the Berwyn Business Men's Association who were planning to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Berwyn, and we supplied them with data about the founding of Reeseville. At that time the Club had a display in the window of Josephine Latch's shop, located on the southeast corner of Main Avenue and Route 30.

In 1952 the Club participated in the dedication of the MacNamee Auditorium in the Strafford School.

In 1958, the Club accepted an invitation to enter a display in the Open House of the new Easttown Library located in the Easttown Township Building, at the northwest corner of Berwyn and Midland Avenues.

Also in 1958, the Club suggested the inscription for the plaque which was placed at the site of the General Jackson Inn, in Paoli, and interested the owners of the new building in preserving the 18th milestone.

At the request of the Easttown School Board, information concerning the Beaumont family was presented to them to be used in naming a new school on Newtown State Road.

The Tredyffrin School Board asked the Club for suggestions for names for two new schools in the township. Suitable names which were suggested were: The Lewis Walker School, and the New Eagle School. The names were accepted and adopted.

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The 6th Aim reads as follows: "Cooperation with similar bodies working in the field of history". In 1960 the club was interested in preserving and restoring the Van Leer cabin on the grounds of the Conestoga High School, and contracted other local history clubs to join and aid in the project.

The 7th Aim states: "Cooperation with all societies and organizations in our area that have as an aim the advancement of the community along lines in harmony with our aims and objects." In 1964 the club, on invitation, sent a representative to act as a member of the Tredyffrin Township Historical Sites committee.

Other organizations in which Tredyffrin-Easttown History club holds membership are the Chester County Historical Society, the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, Life membership in the Paoli Memorial Association, the Independence Hall Association, and the Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society.

As a fitting climax to this tale of the Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club, the following poem, written by Dr. J. Alden Mason and published in the fourth issue of the first Volume of the "Quarterly" seems appropriate.

T o study ancient crafts and local lore,
R ecord the happenings of endless change,
E nlarge the growing bulk of hist'ry's store,
D escribe old customs queer and fashions strange.
Y et not to fail to note each day's events
F or coming generations' questive Ken;
F or oft an unimpressive fact presents
R are knowledge for the minds of future men.
I n these environs patriots fought full well;
N eath sods of Valley Forge their bones lie cold;

E rstwhile Paoli's martyred heroes fell,
A nd Brandywine its tale of valor told.
S t . David's ancient pile our homes abuts
T he churchyards of Great Valley hold our dead;
T he Conestoga wagons left their ruts
O n roads we walk to earn our daily bread.
W here once none but the simple red man stirred
N ow homes and schools and churches dot these lands;

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H ere only modern English words are heard
I n towns where Swede and Welshman once joined hands,
S chools come and go with teachers long forgot;
T owns change their names and roads their rights of way;
O ld inns and mills and forges fall to rot;
R oofs tumble inwards and their beams decay.
I n nearby fields Mad Anth'ny Wayne once strolled,
C hivalric Lafayette received a ball,
A nd Washington the nation helped to mold,
L eft home and comfort at his country's call.
C ome, let us note the passing happenings;
L et us record, that future men may read,
U ntil the lore of past and present things
B ecomes a hist'ry that our sons may heed.

1937 - First Officers elected
Pres. - S. P. Teamer
V.Pres. - F. Burns
Sec. - Mildred Bradley
Treas.- Sydney Morris
Curator - H. E. Wildes
Asst.Cur. K. M. Stroh

1938 - 1940 - re-election
Pres.- S. P. Teamer
1st V.Pres.- F. Burns
2nd V.Pres.- R. Moore
Sec. - M. Bradley
Treas.-Sydney Morris
Curator - Dr. Mason
Asst.Cur. - K. Stroh

Pres.- F. Burns
1st V.Pres.- R. Moore
2nd V.Pres.- Phoebe Prime
Sec. - M. Bradley
Treas.- H. S. Okie

Pres. - F. Burns
1st V.Pres. - R. Moore
2nd V.Pres. - Phoebe Prime
Sec. - R. Mansley
Treas. - K. Stroh

Pres.- Hilda Heagy
1st V.Pres.- R. Moore
2nd V.Pres.- P. Prime
Sec. - R. Mansley
Treas.- K. Stroh

Pres. - Dr. Mason
1st V.Pres. - M. Bradley
2nd V.Pres. - W.C. Latch
Sec. - R. Moore
Treas. - C. Erickson

Pres. - R. Mansley
1st V.Pres. - M. Bradley
2nd V.Pres. - W.C. Latch
Sec. - R. Moore
Treas. - C. Erickson

1946 - 1947 reelected
Pres. - M. Bradley
1st V.Pres. - P. Prime
2nd V.Pres. - W.C. Latch
Sec. - M. Wandless
Treas. - C. Erickson

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1943 - 1949 reelected
Pres. - P. Prime
1st V.Pres. - R. Mansley
2nd V.Pres. - W.C. Latch
Sec. - E. Peirce
Treas. - C. Erickson

Change in constitution in 1949 - Officers elected for 2 years.
1950 - 1951 -
Pres.- E. Peirce
1st V.Pres.- J. A. Mason
2nd V.Pres.- Lucy Okie
Sec - M. Wandless
Treas.- C. Erickson

1952 - 1953 -
Pres.- F. W. Wandless
1st V.Pres.- Lucy Okie
2nd V.Pres.- Hilda Heagy
Sec - E. Peirce
Treas.- C. Erickson

Pres. Louise Kneass
1st V.Pres. F.W. Wandless
2nd V.Pres. W.C. Latch
Sec. M. Atkinson
Treas. C. Erickson
Acting Pres. - F. W. Wandless

1956 - 1957 -
Pres.- F. W. Wandless
1st V.Pres.- Fannie Wandless
2nd V.Pres.- A. Burns
Sec. - Mary Fisher
Treas. C. Erickson

1958 - 1959
Pres. F.W. Wandless
1st V.Pres. K. Stroh
2nd V.Pres. C. Wilson
Sec. E. Peirce
Treas. C. Erickson

1960 - (Sept.)
Pres.- F. W. Wandless
1st V.Pres.- K. Stroh
2nd V.Pres.- C. Wilson
Sec. - E. Peirce
Treas.- J. Hanft
1960 -(Sept.) - 1961 -
Acting Pres- K. Stroh

1962 - 1963 -
Pres.- K. Stroh
1st V.Pres.- C. Wilson
2nd V.Pres.- M. Fisher
Sec. - M. Wandless
Treas.- J. Hanft

1964 - 1965 -
Pres.- C. Wilson
1st V.Pres.- M. Wandless
2nd V.Pres. - H. Weller
Sec. - C. Weller
Treas.- J. Hanft

Honorary Members
Boyle Irwin - 1942 Mrs. Alfred C. Prime - 1963
Frank Burns - Honorary Pres. - 1943

AIMS AND OBJECTS - T-E Historical Society
(As originally presented in Jan. 1937)

1. Research in the history of Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships and related adjoining areas.

2. Recording and preserving historical records and materials, and the contributions of the members.

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3. Interest, pleasure, and inspiration of historical studies.

4. Arousing and increasing interest in the field of local history and the encouragement of all workers in the field.

5. Contributions to the establishment of an historical background and tradition as a foundation upon which to build American culture.

6. Cooperation with similar bodies working in the field of history.

7. Cooperation with all societies and organizations in our area that have as an aim the advancement of the community along lines in harmony with our aims and objects.

Under 1 and 2 above the following outline of organization is recommended:

  • Political history - pertaining to government and government control.
    • Elections - commissioners records
    • Roads
    • Schools
  • Social - History
    • Churches
    • Lodges, Societies, Clubs, Granges, etc.
  • Economic History
    • Land holding
      • Deeds
      • Houses
    • Industries
      • Farms
      • Mines
      • Mills
      • Tanneries
      • Forges
      • Quarries
      • Inns
      • Lime kilns
  • Military
    • Troop movements
    • Encampments
    • Headquarters buildings
    • Supply depots
    • Hospitals
  • Arts
    • Authors & their works
    • Artists
    • Furniture
    • Building
    • Metal workers
  • Financial
    • Banks
  • Commercial
    • Transportation - roads, railroads
    • Stores and warehouses
  • Indian history

Now having stated our aims, and objects, if approved, it would then be in order to proceed to the writing of a Constitution and By-laws.

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1946 Historical exhibits in Berwyn Library, Kehoe's Insurance Office, Berwyn Hardware, Harold's Dept. Store, Post Office, Berwyn Quality Food Shop, from Archives of club and interested citizens. Also in Paoli-Cilley Shop- First Railroad in Pennsylvania.
Frances Wilson)
1947 Theme -"The State" - Window display in Berwyn Library at corner of Knox Ave. and Route 30. State flag, Flower-laurel, Tree-hemlock, Bird-ruffed grouse. Local Berwyn Industries- Berwyn Bearing Non-Gran Bronze Corp. Chemical Co., Richardson Knitting Mill, Doyle's Nurseries. Books written by Berwyn and Chester County Authors, Pictures of Steel Industry
1948 Theme - "Pennsylvania Has Everything" - Berwyn Library Large map of Penna. - ribbons to industries & their products. Forests, Parks, Rivers, Sports, Farms & their products Resorts, etc.
1949 Theme - "Reproductions of Penn's Various Homes"- Berwyn Lib.
1950 Theme -"Roads in Pennsylvania" - Berwyn Library. From Philadelphia to Pittsburgh- old dirt road and modern 4-lane highway
1951 Theme - "Penna.-Home of Freedom" - Berwyn Library. Spirit of 1776-(Bronze plaque); Gettysburg Address-Illuminated copy); Picture of Iwo Jima; Creed of Freedoms Foundation. Replica of Independence Hall in center front of window. 1952 - Theme - "From 1685 - 1760" Before the Railroad went through and our town was known as Reeseville.


Year Host
1953 M. Fisher - Program: M. Fisher-"Customs of Christmas Season". W. Erickson-"Story of Little Christmas or Twelfth Night." C. Erickson-Selections from the Bible. Carols-J. Latch.
1954 L. Fisher-Program: Mrs. Wandless-Pres. Eisenhower's Christmas Prayer. H. Heagy-Christmas Stories, K. Stroh-Christmas in other countries.
1955 No Meeting
1956 E. Peirce at Fisher's - Program: M. Fisher-"Story of the Gifts of the Wise Men." Told of the 12 days after Christmas. Carols.

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Year Host
1957 J. A. Mason at Fisher's - Program: M. Fisher-"Ceremonies through the Christmas Season to Twelfth Night," Advent wreath, Christmas eve, legends of candles, Christmas rose, and each of the 12 days following Christmas was explained.
1958 Mrs. Wandless at Fisher's - Program: M. Fisher-"Christmas in Other Lands - Mexico."
1959 W. Erickson - Program: "Art in Famous Paintings on the Growth of Christianity and the Life of Christ."
1960 E. Peirce at Fisher's - Program: M. Fisher-"Story of the Origin of Twelfth Night." S. Nuzum- Madonnas.
1961 E. Sensenig at Fisher's - Program: M. Fisher- "The 12 days before Twelfth Night." "Story of Life of Christ and Use of Wise Men's Gifts." K. Stroh- Showed pictures of Oberammergau.
1962 S. Nuzum & Mrs. VanTries at Hanft's - Program: M. Wandless- "Swedish Christmas."
1963 C. Wilson at Fisher's - Program: "Christmas Cards"- C. Wilson. M. Fisher -"Twelfth Night Observances and Customs."
1964 J. Kadyk - Program: C. Erickson read Bible acoount of the coming of Christ. W. Erickson gave notes on Twelfth Night, explained the creche.
1965 J. Hanft - no meeting due to the weather.


Date Location
1939 - Mar. 7 Windmill Tea Room (Gen. Jackson Inn) .Speakers: S. Paul Teamer. Mrs. John Croasdale, Mrs. Alfred C. Prime, Howard S. Okie.
1940 - Mar. 5 King of Prussia Inn. Dr. Crosswell McBee, speaker:"The Value of Historical Research."
1941 - Apr. 1 Ye Old Bull Tavern. Dr. J. Alden Mason, speaker: "Early Indians of the Vicinity."
1942 - Aug. 4 Picnic supper at Mrs. J. Heagy's home. Members gave recollections of former meetings and excursions.

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1943 No mention of banquet.
1944 No mention of banquet.
1945 - Apr. 25 Gen. Warren Inn, Malvern Dr. McBee-toastmaster. History of the Inn, celebrating its 200th anniversary.
1946 - Sept. 20 Monday Afternoon Club, Malvern. 10th Birthday. Speaker- Dr. Francis Harvey Green-"Bayard Taylor."
1947 - Oct. 24 Wayside Inn (Gen. Jackson Inn), Paoli. Speaker- Mr. George Orr - "Murder Trial in which Photographs Were Accepted as Evidence."
1948 - Sept. 30 Wayside Inn, Paoli. Speaker- Brig. Gen. Norman Randolph, Director & Executive Secretary of Valley Forge Commission-"Restoration of Valley Forge."
1949 - Oct. 19 Monday Afternoon Club, Malvern. Speaker- Dr. S. K. Stevens- "Conserving Pennsylvania's Historical Heritages."
1950 - Oct. 26 Wayside Inn, Paoli. Speaker- Dr. Douglas Mac- Farlan "Washington's Army Movements around Philadelphia."
1951 - Oct. 25 Wayside Inn, Paoli. Speaker- Hobson C. Wagner, Supv. Prin., T-E School District - "The Pennsylvania Dutch."
1952 - Oct. 16 Howard Johnson's, Valley Forge. Speaker- Mrs. Prime - "Old Philadelphia Days and Doings."
1953 - Oct. 22 Old Bull Tavern, Phoenixville. Speaker- Dr. Arthur E. James, Pros. Chester Co. Historical Society - "Here and There around Chester County."
1954 - Oct. 21 Old Bull Tavern, Phoenixville. Speaker- Representative of Dettra Flag Co., Oaks, Pa.-"Our American Flag."
1955 - Oct. 28 Gen. Warren Inn, Malvern. Speaker- Roy Fuller - "Covered Bridges in Chester County."
1956 - Nov. 27 Martini's Restaurant, Devon. Speaker- C. A. Weslager, author of "Red Men on the Brandywine",- "Log Cabins."

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1957 - Oct. 24 Lamp Post Inn, Strafford. Speaker-Mrs. Helen Mooney, Rep. Bell Telephone Co.,-"Crystal Gazers"
1958 - Oct. 23 Great Valley Baptist Church, Devon. Speaker- Dr. John Cotter -"Archeological Sleuthing in Historical Research on Jamestown."
1959 - Oct. 29 Great Valley Baptist Church. Speaker- B. Bruce Powell, Nat. Park Service, "Archeology in Old Philadelphia." Dr. Robert C. Hughes, honored guest - 50 years of service in medicine in Paoli area.
1960 - Oct. 27 Trinity Presbyterian Church. Berwyn. Speaker- Dr. Jacob Gruber Temple Univ.,- "10,000 Years of Local History."
1961 - Oct. 24 Trinity Presbyterian Church. (100th Anniversary of the Church). Speaker- David Taylor - "Secret History of the Revolution."
1962 - Oct. 25 Trinity Presbyterian Church. Speaker- Robert Goshorn - "The Civil War in Chester County."
1963 - Oct. 24 Trinity Presbyterian Church. Speaker- George Highley - "Bayard Taylor."
1964 - Oct. 21 Freedoms Foundation, Martha Washington Bldg., Valley Forge. Speaker- David Taylor - "The Shortcomings of Our History Books."


1936 Oct. St. David's Church, Great Valley Baptist Ch., Valley Forge. Invited Chester County Historical Society.
Nov. British troops on location and British Officers' quarters.
Dec. Sycamore Mills, Site of Indian village, home of Elizabeth Iddings (married Isaac Wayne).
1937 Jan. Quarters of American Officers during Valley Forge encampment.
Feb. Brandywine Battlefield
Mar. Ft. Washington
Apr. St. Peter's Church

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1937 May Hammer Hollow
June Three day trip to Williamsburg
July The Mary Ann Forge, Hopewell & Isabella Furnaces.
Aug. Trappe Church
Sept. Followed route of British to site of Paoli Massacre.
Oct. First 7 miles of Horseshoe Trail
Nov. Site of Whitemarsh encampment
Dec. "Hill's Folly" gold mine & Hammer Hollow Colonial Mill
1938 Jan. Site of Sullivan's Bridge
Feb. University Museum
Mar. "Fonthill" home of Dr. Mercer, Doylestown
Apr. Six miles further on Horseshoe Trail
June Beaver Dam on Woolman property
July New England trip - Washington Hdqtrs. at Morristown, Stony Point, Crown Point, West Joint, Saratoga Springs, Bennington, Cambridge, Lexington, Lake George and Mohawk Trail.
Sept. Old Eaptist Road from Camp ground at Valley Forge to Old St. David's Church.
Oct. Week-end trip to Grand Canyon, Pa.
1939 Jan. Pennsbury
July Braeside - Mrs. Prime's summer home, Downingtown
Aug. 5,6,7. Trip to Cook County Forest, Kane, Pa.
Sept. Cape May Point - week end
Oct. Marshallton - Arboretum
Nov. Old Lancaster Road("Braeside" for supper)
Dec. Waynesboro
1940 Jan. Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila.
Feb. Valley Forge
Mar. Old Lancaster Rd. Phila. to Berwyn (H. S. Okie)
Apr. Wilmington, Del. - Old Swedes' Church (W. Mansley)
May A Hike - Daylesford Woods - 6 mi.
June Bethlehem (R. Platt)
July Week-end trip - Western Penna. - Ft. Necessity (S.Teamer)
Aug. Washington Crossing & Battle of Monmouth(Teamer&Snively)
Sept. "Braeside"
Oct. Reading (Mrs. Heagy)
Nov. Fall Hike (Miss Stroh)
Dec. Kennett Square (Mrs. Bradley)
1941 Jan. Old St. David's Church
Feb. Art Museum, Phila. (D. Snively)
Mar. Phila. - 4 mi. walk, viewing many historical places of interest starting at 9th & Market Sts.
May Week-end - Washington, D. C.
June Ephrata
July Lancaster County - (Mr. Hentzel)

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1941 Aug. Mercer Museum, Doylestown
Sept. "Braeside"
Oct. Hike thru Airdrie - Chester Co. Horticultural Soc.
Nov. Pennypacker Mills
Dec. Plantarium, Phila.
1942 Jan. Service at St. Davids Church; Penna. Univ. Museum
June West Chester Historical Society
July Woods
Sept. Glassley Commons
Nov. Valley Forge
Dec. Mr. Latch's former home in the Valley
1943 Aug. Meeting at Mrs. Prime's home, Paoli Sept.- Romansville Meeting house, "Green Lawn Farm" - home of J. Carroll Hayes
Nov. St. David's Church
1944 Jan. University of Pennsylvania Museum
Apr. Phila. Christ Church
May Valley Forge
July Mr. Hayes' home, & Bradford Meeting, Marshallton & Humphrey Marshall's home
Aug. Picnic supper at Mrs. Prime's home
Oct. Wm, Penn Tercentenary Celebration - Acad. of Music
1945 May Immaculata College - "Battle of the Clouds" - group discussion
Aug. Meeting & supper at "Annasleigh" - Mrs. Prime's,Paoli
Sept. St. Peter's Church
Nov. Walk thru Northeast section of Paoli
Dec. Planetarium, Phila.
1946 Jan. Atwater Kent Museum, Phila.
Mar. Commercial Museum, Phila.
Apr. Chas. Jenkins' home - "Far Country"
May "Solitude" - Home of John Penn, Phila. Zoo
June Birmingham Meeting - lunch with Carroll Hayes
July Chatsworth, N. J. -scene of crash of Mexican flier- Capt. Carranza
Aug. Compass stone near Lima
Sept. St. Peter's Church at Evansburg - St. James' Episcopal Church on the Perkiomen
Oct. Indian cave at Broomall
Nov. Kennett Square - Chris Sanderson as guide
Dec. "Old Phila." - start at 2nd & Market Sts.
1947 Jan. Rodin Museum & Phila. Library
Feb. Girard College - Mr. White as guide
Mar. Germantown - Dr. Mason as guide

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1947 Apr. Quarries, Mines & Sand Pits of Tred. & Easttown May - Chas. Jenkins estate - "Far Country"
July "Pennsbury" - Dinner at Temperance House, Newtown
Oct. Trip to Officers' Quarters, Valley Forge
1948 Apr. Haverford College Library
May Daniel Boone's birthplace & Exeter Meetinghouse, Hopewell Village
Aug. "Braeside"
Oct. Valley Forge - restoration of Ft. John Moore, & Frick's Locks to see cache of Indian spear heads
1949 May "Far Country" - Chas. Jenkin's home
1950 Jan. Valley Forge Chapel - Penna. Day Services Mar. - Site of extinct volcano near Lenape. Longwood for flower show.
Apr. Church services at E. Whiteland Pres. Church - Club chaplain - Mr. Yerkes is minister
1951 Apr. A walk over the area covered by Reeseville.
July Valley Forge Museum
Oct. "Wheatland", Lancaster, home of Pres. James Buchanan LeFevre Gun Shop. Landis Museum
1952 Mar. Trip covering old landmarks of Berwyn
May The Old Grist Mill - formerly Great Valley Mill
Sept. Tyler's Arboretum (N. West of Media)
Oct. Schwenkfelder Church in Worcester Twp.
Nov. Attended services at Baptist Church in the Great Valley
1953 Feb. Coatesville Aud. - Dr. Heathcote & Chris Sanderson "A Crucial Year in American Hist, in Chester County - 1777-78."
Apr. "Pottsgrove"
June The Audubon home
1954 May Some members of club acted as hosts in homes (Officers Quarters) during tour conducted by Pa. Garden Clubs
1955 Feb. Dettra Blag Co., Oaks, Pa,
May 3 members attended Convention of Pa. Federation of Historical Societies, Harrisburg
1956 No Trips
1957 June Audubon home. This is the last trip taken by the Club.


Page last updated: 2011-08-01 at 12:23 EST
Copyright © 2006-2011 Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society. All rights reserved.
Permission is given to make copies for personal use only.
All other uses require written permission of the Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society.