Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: June 1972 Volume 16 Number 1, Pages 17–17

Resolution of Respect

Page 17

Whereas it is with deep sorrow that the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club notes the passing of one of our members, Daisy Aiken Van Tries, on March 28, 1972.

Daisy Aiken was born on August 24, 1889, the daughter of Dr. James Aiken. The Rev. Thomas G. Aiken, pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, of Berwyn, was her uncle.

Daisy Aiken received her early schooling in the Easttown School, and later attended Wilson College.

In 1911 Miss Aiken married the Rev. William Potter Van Tries, at that time the pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church. Mr. Van Tries served other churches during the following thirty-five years, at which time he retired to Berwyn. After retirement he served the Malvern Presbyterian Church for some years.

After Mr. Van Tries death, Mrs. Van Tries resumed an active interest in the Trinity Presbyterian Church. She served as an Elder from 1960 to 1963, was active in the Women's association, and in Presbytery.

Mrs. Van Tries was an active member in the Monday Afternoon Club of Malvern.

BE IT RESOLVED: That we record in the minutes of the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club our sorrow in the passing of our co-worker, and our sympathy to her family. She will be missed deeply in our Club and by her many friends.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Family of Daisy Aiken Van Tries.


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