Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1980 Volume 18 Number 1, Pages 30–30

In Memoriam: Gabriel Church Randolph

Page 30

During the past year the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club again was saddened by the loss of one of its members when Gabriel C. Randolph died on July 3d, at the age of 67, following a recent lung operation for cancer.

Gabriel Church Randolph

was active not only in the History Club, but also in local politics and as a volunteer and trustee of the Malvern Library, which she served for almost thirty years. Born in Montana, she was a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and earned a master1s degree at Teachers College, Columbia University.

In 1964 she established The Bookmark, a book store known for its collection of books, prints and maps, many of them out of the ordinary. As noted in the newspaper obituaries at the time of her death, The Bookmark "became a magnet for youths and adults who were drawn by her generous attitudes toward people, especially the young, and her intellectual clarity in matters including education, politics, music, literature and philosophy. She was noted for treating her customers as friends, occasionally inviting them to attend special events like poetry readings in her home and encouraging them to display their creative works in her shop. A pianist herself, she took a special interest in music".

She is survived by her husband, Thomas A. Randolph, two sons and two daughters, and three grandchildren, and also a sister.


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