Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 1980 Volume 18 Number 2, Pages 65–66

Notes and Comments

Page 65


More Place Names No Longer on the Map

Since publication of the three-part article on "Folk Names and Other Places No Longer on the Map of Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships" in the Quarterly last year, several other former place names not included in the article have been uncovered.


Coates' Grove

Coates' Grove was a popular picnic spot of a half-century ago. The wooded area was located to the south of Berwyn, in Easttown Township.

In the "50 Years Ago" column in the West Chester Daily Local News for July 11, 1979, for example, reference was made to the Vacation Church School picnic held there in July 1929. The youngsters, it was noted, "were accompanied by their four teachers and the three pastors of the town. The afternoon was spent in playing competitive games, and prizes were awarded..."

The name presumably was derived from the Coates family, who owned the property in that area.


Cream Ridge

The high ridge on which Conestoga Road is located in the north Berwyn area of Tredyffrin Township, once known as Cockletown, was also sometimes referred to as Cream Ridge, according to information in the unpublished notes of Franklin L. Burns. There is no indication of the etymology of the name.

Page 66


Skelp Level

Apparently a variant of Scalp Level, the area to the east of the Blue Ball Inn in what is now Daylesford was also referred to as "that melancholy of road known as 'Skelp Level'" in an article in the Spring 1929 issue of the Eastfrin, published by the students of Tredyffrin-Easttown High School.

The article is presented in the magazine as having been "printed almost verbatim from an account dated the "15th & 16th of the fourth month in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-six" written by "one J.K. of Philadelphia".


Club Officers-Re-Elected

At the annual meeting of the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club in January the officers of the club (as shown on the masthead of the Quarterly) were re-elected for another two-year term. Anyone desiring information about the History Club should direct his or her inquiries to the secretary, Molly TenBroeck, RD 3 Box 90, Malvern, PA. 19355.



In the last issue, Walter Lutz, author of the article on the old Diamond Rock School, was identified as the son-in-law of Harriet Detwiler Thomas. He is, in fact, her grandson, the son of her daughter Dorothy and son-in-law, Willard Lutz. He is "now Principal of Schools in Berwick, Pa.", his grandmother reported, adding "I did not get to Diamond Rock School Reunion again this year — at 95 I do not get out too often, but I am very well as to health." We appreciate the additional information.


Page last updated: 2010-04-17 at 20:40 EDT
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