Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 1981 Volume 19 Number 2, Page 36


Page 36

Major General Stirling's letter from Valley Forge was brought to the attention of the History Club by Frances H. Ligget, a member of the club. For over fifty years, beginning in 1926, the Liggets owned and lived at "Stirling's Quarters", The house was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 1974, and sold to the National Park Service in 1978.

Chester Winters' article on "The Saga of Andrew Garden" is an excellent example of how much "musty old church records" can tell us of people who lived in this area long ago. The issue of the Quarterly with his earlier article on the Great Valley Baptist Church (Volume XVIII, Number 2) was completely "sold out".

Had the railroad not come so closely on the heels of the canal boom, the history of our two townships might have been quite different. The efforts to promote exploration of a canal through Tredyffrin Township and the Chester Valley, taken from contemporary newspaper accounts, are described in Bob Goshorn's article on the Great Valley Canal.

Finally, Elizabeth Rumrill's alphabetical listing of the tombstones in the churchyard of the Church of St. Peter in the Great Valley, based on the research of Miss Ellen Gooding, is continued. In this issue are listed the tombstones for persons in the "H to L" section of the alphabet.


Page last updated: 2010-04-13 at 9:05 EDT
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