Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: July 1982 Volume 20 Number 3, Pages 82–83

Tricentennial Morning (poem)

Anne H. Cook

Page 82

The day opens
still and ceremoniously
in the wide woods
where birds chirp
on branches of Great Oaks
Below floats
a pieced country quilt of light and dark
patches of saturated sun
form patterns that combine
with haphazard shapes of shade

Sprays of flowering dogwood
peek out
eying the lithe limbs
of these tremendous trees -
once urchin saplings
rolling time
like a bouncing party balloon
Think, three hundred years -
a tic or toc
of Time's colossal clock
(a "Grandfather" perhaps)

Page 83

May 16, 1682 arc May 16, 1982
years welded and curved
in a crescentless segmental line
with numbers
than the motion of a pool
in one slow and splendid swirl
(serence perspective)
Bark of a distant dog
domestic settled creature

Softly I spin
sinking insuburban scene
tranquil Tredyffrin
Welsh for wide, valley
Peaceable Kingdom
May all friends join and plumb the wilds
of this wondrous Welsh Tract
Cheers to you, King Charles II
for debt delivered --
a pleasing present
Penn's Sylvania

P.S. A friendly hound named Amos
ambles by and greets
with nudging nose
and wagging tail
as if concurring
with these musings


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