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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: July 1983 Volume 21 Number 3, Pages 105–107 The Last Year of Separate High Schools in Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships The June Commencement Exercises seventy-five years ago in 1908 were the last to be held by the Easttown High School and the Tredyffrin High School. In the following year they were combined to form the Tredyffrin-Easttown High School, "a joint high school for the use of both townships". Easttown High School had been in operation for thirteen years, starting in the fall of 1894, while Tredyffrin High had opened in Strafford three years later, in the fall of 1897, and was moved to Paoli in 1902. Three students were graduated from Easttown High in the last graduation exercises: Jane Elizabeth Bath, Margaret May Long, and Howard Clyde Baldwin. The final Class of 1908 at Tredyffrin had six graduates: Howard McCue, Thomas Dalton, Anna Moran, A. Elizabeth Ryan, Edna Fox, and Mildred Matteer. Clarence M. Prouse was the supervising principal at Easttown, and I. M. Sabold the principal at Tredyffrin. Here are the reports they submitted to the County Superintendent, G. W. Moore, covering the activities at the schools in their last year, as reported in the 1908 edition of the Chester County Teachers' Hand Book. TopEasttown The enrollment for the year in all schools was 330 - 30 of whom belonged to the High School. The year has been a pleasant and profitable one for teachers, pupils and directors. Several important improvements and new feastures were introduced during the year. Among the former may be mentioned that of the lighting apparatus, and the thorough equipments in case of fire. Among new features are the boy's gymnasium club, the girl's basketball team, the glee club, and the Taylor Literary Society of the Grammar School and seventh grade. During the year the glee club gave a very interesting public entertainment. On May Day the pupils held a carnival on the campus, and among the features were May-pole dances and exhibitions by the two gymnasium classes. Dr. S. C. Schumaker, of the Normal School [now West Chester State College], gave two very interesting lectures, one to the parents on 'The Care of the Child.' and another to the pupils, on 'Birds.' These lectures were largely attended, and Dr. Schumaker has won the hearts of those interested in Easttown schools. Arbor Day was observed, and the schools were much pleased with gifts of valuable shade trees. The debating team won honors in one of the two debates held during the year. The gymnasium club carried off a very pretty banner as the result of a dual, track meet with the Catalpa Club of Berwyn. Altogether, this last year of existence of the Berwyn High School has been a successful one. It is with regret that we think of this as the last report of this High School, but at the same time we look forward to a bright and gloriously successful future of the joint High School of Easttown and Tredyffrin townships. Graduates
Jane Elizabeth Bath, Margaret May Lawrence, Howard Clyde Baldwin. Tredyffrin The Tredyffrin High School closed on Monday, June 8th, 1908. This ended the existence of the Tredyffrin High School as a separate high school. Next year Tredyffrin and Easttown unite to form a joint high school, so as to give the pupils of the two townships better opportunities for high school training than either of them could have given alone. The term just closed was a very successful one. Some of the graduates of the previous year were back to do special work. This is a sure sign that we are not requiring too much time to prepare for higher work. Three lectures were given during the year. One by Dr. Holmes, of Swarthmore; another by Mrs. Gaskill, of Swarthmore; and a third by Rev. Quimby, of Berwyn. All of them were greatly appreciated. Lecture courses in high schools should be greatly encouraged. The lectures mean more to the pupils than the regular lessons, and I am sure we can help them in this way. Considerable interest was manifested in athletics, although our relay team was not as successful as last year. This was not because our boys were not as fast as the preceding year, but because others were faster, Our Commencement was held on June 12th. There were six High School graduates. Graduates
Howard McCue, Thomas Dalton, Anna Moran, A. Elizabeth Ryan, Edna Fox, Mildred Matteer. |
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