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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: April 1986 Volume 24 Number 2, Pages 55–58 The Sabbath School in Paoli The Presbyterian Church in Paoli had its beginnings as a mission Sabbath School of the Berwyn Trinity Presbyterian Church. Here are the Minutes of the Session of the Berwyn Presbyterian Church pertaining to the establishment of the Sabbath School in Paoli. December 1, 1891 On motion it was agreed that a committee be appointed to look into the possibility of establishing a Sabbath School at Paoli. The Moderator appointed Elders [J.Frank] Beale, [Joseph] Williams, and [Frank H.] Stauffer to committee. February 1, 1892 Committee on the opening of a Sabbath School in Paoli reported progress. [The school was organized on July 2, 1892, with its exercises held in a house rented from Harry B. Schofield. The officers were: Superintendent, the Rev. T. J. Aiken; Secretary, Mr. E. B. Linn; Treasurer, Mr. J. W. Connor; Librarian, Mrs. Heyburn. On March 19, 1893 ground was broken for its own chapel building, on. Darby Road.] Chapel on Darby road, later used as the Paoli Town Hall and for the Library, Sketch by Evelyn Rangl Schmidt May 1, 1893 On motion agreed that Superintendent of the mission schools at Howelville and Paoli render written reports at regular meetings of the session. June 5, 1893 Pastor [Thomas J.] Aiken reported as to the progress of the Paoli mission school. Possession has been taken of the new chapel and an increasing interest was manifested in divine service. He reported that for six weeks he has held prayer meetings in the chapel on Thursday evenings and attendance was fair. July 3, 1893 The Moderator reported that the new chapel for the mission school at Paoli had been dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on the 18th of June, Rev. Dr. [W. A.] Patton of Wayne preaching the sermon, and Rev. W. W. Herenton and the moderator taking part. The mission Sabbath School of Howelville attended in a body and participated in the exercises. The first anniversary of the mission school was held last Sabbath [June 25, 1893]. The number on the roll was 60 and the average attendance for the first year was 35. October 2, 1893 The moderator in charge of the mission school at Paoli reported an increased interest. Number on the roll 77 -- highest attendance 60. February 5, 1894 Pastor Aiken reported that the mission S.S. at Paoli was getting along nicely. There are two Bible classes, two intermediate classes, and a primary class of good size. There is a need for resident teachers, the deficiency supplied at present by efficient teachers from our S.S. at Berwyn. April 2, 1894 The moderator made the following report on the mission school at Paoli. Officers 3, female teachers 3, male teachers 3, male scholars 44, female scholars 33, total 89. Average attendance 45. Open all year around. Amount paid on chapel fund $252.82. Contributed to S. S. Board $31. August 6, 1894 Pastor Aiken and Superintendent of the Paoli Mission S. S. reported that it was growing, that interest was increasing, and that the prayer meetings held on Thursday evenings were well attended. October 1, 1894 On motion it was agreed that a statement be prepared of the missions under the care of the session at Paoli and Howelville, showing their present flourishing condition and the encouraging promise of future growth, and such statements be sent to Out Look and Sustenation Committee of the Presbytery of Chester with the object of seeking pastoral keep and a grant of money for support of the same, to supplement the funds that the several mission fields may be able to secure. November 5, 1894 Moderator Aiken reported 88 on the roll of the Paoli mission school. There were Sabbath religious services and good attendance on weekday evening services. A children's temperance league had been organized. Elder [John M.] Rowe reported that the appreciation of the session to the Sustenation Committee of the Presbytery in regard to preaching a tour several missions had been favorably received by said committee. December 3, 1894 Elder Rowe reported that the Sustenation and Out Look Committee of the Presbytery looked upon the Paoli mission church with favor and had recommended $150 a year toward support, but that they had considered the Howelville mission in the bounds of the Great Valley Presbyterian Church and they recommended that the session of that church take into consideration the work at the Howelville mission. [All the Minutes reported above are in the handwriting of Elder Frank H. Stauffer, who had been Clerk of the Session of the Berwyn Church for twenty years. He had also been the Superintendent of the Sunday School, and in a resolution adopted in his memory by the Session on February 18, 1895, three days after his passing, it was noted that "his labors in the Sabbath School as its beloved superintendent being singularly blessed from year to year in winning souls to Christ and in building up Christian character in the young".] February 18, 1895 On motion, Mr. Rowe was appointed to take charge of the Paoli Sabbath School until a superintendent shall be elected by the school and confirmed by the session. March 4, 1895 Elder Rowe made a verbal report in reference to having entered upon the duties of the superintendent of the Sabbath School, pursuant to appointment made on February 18 by the session. May 13, 1895 The superintendent of Paoli Sunday School made a verbal report in reference to the progress of the school which was very encouraging, and the propriety of holding preaching services at that point on Sabbath Evening during the summer was considered. December 9. 1895 The Superintendent of the Paoli Sunday School reported that the school is in flourishing condition, and stated that it was the desire of those interested in the work there that a communion service be held in the chapel there in the near future. Accordingly, on motion of Elder Beale, it was decided to hold such a service on next Sabbath afternoon, December 15, 1895, at 3:00 p.m. Sabbath Afternoon, December 15, 1895 Session meeting at Paoli Chapel was opened with prayer by the moderator. Present were Elders Williams and Beale together with the Rev. T. J. Aiken Moderator. Members received. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was then administered by the moderator, the bread and wine distributed by Elders Williams and Beale, after which the session adjourned, closing with prayer by Elder Williams. [The Minutes for the next few years appear to be missing. In August 1899, at a meeting in the Chapel a committee was appointed to procure a charter, to be drawn up in the name of the First Presbyterian Church of Paoli. In April 1901 the Rev. T. J. Aiken became the pastor of both the new Paoli Church and the Church in Malvern.] |
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