Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 1990 Volume 28 Number 2, Page 44


Page 44

Beverly Sheppard is Associate Director of the Chester County Historical Society and Director of Education. Her challenge to historical societies and museums to meet their community educational opportunities and responsibilities was presented at the annual banquet of the Club last October.

The next feature, on the history of the census, is presented in conjunction with the 200th anniversary of the first United States census in 1790. The expanding scope of the census as described in the article, and the changes in the information obtained from census to census, also provide an insight into the social and economic development of our country and the information that has been considered important to know who we are, as well as how we have grown.

For a quarter of a century the UPPER MAIN LINE NEWS was published in Paolito chronicle the activities and everyday incidents and hopes of the residents of the area. Bob Goshorn's history of the newspaper, gathered from items in the paper, was presented at a Club meeting earlier this year.

A personal recollection of working on the newspaper is provided in Marge Worth Farra's reminiscences, which she prepared for the same meeting.

Our last article, on the Lilac Farm on Swedesford Road, was written by Janet Malin in answer to an inquiry about the property. Since April is "lilac time", it is a timely reminder of the nursery farm for which only the gate posts now remain.


Page last updated: 2009-07-29 at 14:31 EST
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