Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1991 Volume 29 Number 1, Page 2


Page 2

Our first article in this issue was presented at the December meeting of the Club several years ago, but has not been previously published.

The next feature provides new information on "Prissy" Robinson (or Robison), the well-known mistress of the Blue Ball Tavern. Mary Ives, a club member, is also the archivist for the Great Valley Presbyterian Church.

The Club visited "Roughwood" with Jane Davidson last summer following her talk, included in the previous issue, on places in our two townships on the National Register of Historic Places. This history of the property is adapted from the information provided by William Woys Weaver, its owner, in his application to have it placed on the Register. A note on the barn, by Anne Cook, is also included.

It was the famous book collector and author who lived in Daylesford for almost fifty years, A. Edward Netwon himself, who described the inscriptions he occasionally made in copies of his books as "mutilations". In the next article are some of the comments he made in these inscriptions.

Next are excerpts from letters from R. A. Colgan, the farm manager of the Chesterbrook Farm, to its owner, Captain E. B. Cassatt, when the latter was absent from the farm in early 1913. The letters were found among the debris in the former office of the farm manager, before it was torn down a few years ago.

And, finally, we present the "Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Schools" in Tredyffrin, as established by the School Board in 1869.


Page last updated: 2009-07-29 at 14:31 EST
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