Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: October 1991 Volume 29 Number 4, Page 168

In Memoriam : Janet Irwin Malin

Page 168

The Tredyffrin Easttown History Club lost one of its long-time active members on July 30, 1991 when Janet Irwin Malin died at her home after a two-months illness, at the age of 78.

The daughter of Boyle Irwin III and Mable Turner Irwin, she was born in Germantown on May 3, 1913. At the age of five she moved with her family to a 10-acre farm on Diamond Rock Hill.

In addition to the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club, she was a member of the Daughters of Cincinnati, the Valley Forge Historical Society, and the Historical Society of Phoenixville. She also worked in the transportation office of the Valley Forge General Hospital from 1952 until its closing in 1974.

From her many contributions to the discussions at club meetings, particularly in our "Club Members Remember" programs, we gained invaluable insights into growing up in the first half of this century: being pulled on a sled at the age of three by her father, and not so many years after that sledding to school or down Diamond Rock Hill on her own "Flexible Flyer"; sharing her younger brother's favorite toy, "Elephanter", from a circus set; playing hide-and-seek; celebrating the 4th of July without fireworks because her parents were "safety-conscious"; hearing KDKA on a crystal radio set, and later enjoying the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on a big Philco radio; being cured by a variety of home-made family remedies, with a particular trust in the mustard plaster; learning to drive the family Model T Ford station wagon with is in glass curtains; knitting caps and other items for Bundles for Britain (and re-doing the efforts of others less proficient); shopping at the general store, especially at the penny candy counter, or at Dixon's in Paoli, or the American Store in Phoenixville.

Her recollections brought everyday experiences to life for all of us, and we always looked forward to them at each meeting.


Page last updated: 2009-07-29 at 14:31 EST
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