Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: July 1993 Volume 31 Number 3, Page 86


Page 86

Our first article in this issue was presented at our April meeting by Herb Fry. While some may remember the old Betner plant on the Lancaster Pike east of the Devon Horse Show grounds, it may come as a surprise that its successor firm is still making paper bags in Tredyffrin township, with facilities in the Paoli Industrial Park off North Cedar Hollow Road and its offices on Chesterbrook Boulevard in Chesterbrook.

The second article is a reminder of the luxury long-distance rail travel which existed before the development of commercial aviation. According to the crews that changed the electric engines to steam locomotives on the through trains at Paoli, the trains were never late -- "a little behind schedule" perhaps, but never late,.

Our last feature is the eleventh in our series of "oral history" reminiscences of a half century or so ago. Our club members' recollections of some of the things and chores we once did by hand were the program of our April meeting earlier this year.


Page last updated: 2009-05-12 at 10:09 EST
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