Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: October 1993 Volume 31 Number 4, Page 126


Page 126

In our first article in this issue are brief biographies of nine people who played important parts in the transformation of Berwyn from the small hamlet of Reeseville to the bustling village of Berwyn in the last quarter of the 19th century. The thumbnail sketches were presented by eight club members at our May meeting earlier this year.

Was the original kitchen of her colonial home under the places where the grass did not grow well in the front yard? Club member Sue Andrews wanted to know, and started digging, literally, to find out. Her report of some of the things she found in her archaeological investigation, our second feature, was first presented at our July picnic meeting. (At the same meeting Barbara Fry also shared with us some of her quilting projects.)

This year marks the centennial of the Devon Chapel and the beginnings of St. Johns Presbyterian Church in Devon. Eva Noll, a past president of the History Club and a member of St. Johns Church, prepared our next article on the Chapel and its centennial for this issue.

And finally, Elizabeth Goshorn's account of a balloon descension in Berwyn was written a baker's dozen years ago, shortly after it happened, for her grandchildren. Her prediction that the incident might "soon be in print under the heading 'When a Balloon Landed in Berwyn'" is, aside from the word "soon", now an accurate one.

Also included in this issue is the Index for Volume XXXI.


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