Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: January 1998 Volume 36 Number 1, Page 2


Page 2

At our November meeting, Club Members held a requiem of sorts for the Valley Forge Music Fair. It closed a year ago, following the annual Christmas Show, and will be replaced in the near future by a supermarket after being a part of our community for over forty years. The recollections shared at the meeting and captured on tape form a history of this entertainment venue from its early days as a tent to its later emergence as a year round operation. The transcribed remarks are our first offering in this issue.

A unique hometown cook book went on sale at the general store of William H. Ewing, Berwyn's leading merchant, in 1902. It contained recipes compiled and published as a fund raiser by the Ladies of Trinity Presbyterian Church. More important than the recipes, perhaps, from the standpoint of history, are the patron advertisements included in the book which serve as a useful directory of local businesses of the time. The ads and selected recipes have been reproduced and included here as our second feature.


Page last updated: 2009-03-11 at 12:30 EST
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