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Source: January 1998 Volume 36 Number 1, Pages 15–26 A 1902 Cook Book Represents More Than Recipes During the first week of January 1906, Trinity Presbyterian Church of Berwyn held daily services of thanksgiving celebrating the repayment of debt incurred to build their 1892 gray-stone, gothic church. The Berwyn Herald of January 5, 1906 reported that a mortgage burning ceremony would take place the next day, Saturday evening January 6. The paper declared that the success of the financial campaign of the last four years was largely due to "the noble efforts of the Ladies Aid Society of the church." A fund-raising cook book prepared by the Ladies has been passed down to Berwyn resident and history club member Henry "Zeke" Pyle from his grandmother Mary (Patton) Garber. Not only is this an historic record of foods and recipes of 1902, but it also contains a number of advertisements solicited from the merchants and artisans of Berwyn, giving a broad view of local business activity of that era. The church financed half of the $16,000 total cost of its new 1892 building. Only interest had been paid until 1898, when the women commenced the debt reduction project. By 1902, when they published the cook book, the debt was down to $7000. The new young pastor, Rev. Robert Powers, was encouraged by the progress. He saw an opportunity to make a grand effort to pay off the mortgage and suggested to the church boards that they join the efforts of the women. Subscriptions solicited from members and friends of the congregation, pledging as they could, resulted in a successful campaign, and the congregation began the year 1906 debt free. Copies of all of the business advertisements and selected recipes from the 1902 cook book appear on the pages that follow. Top MEAT and POULTRY Curry for Six Persons Take 3 pounds neck of mutton, cut it into small pieces, fry it untilbrown, then place it in a stew pan. Take 2 large apples and two onionsChop them fine and fry them brown, but do not buru them, pour off the fat, sprinkle a teaspoonful of curry powder into skillet, then pour asmuch boiling water as will cover the meat in the stew pan and simmer itgently for two hours, than take a tablespoonful of curry powder, with one ditto of flour, a little pepper and salt and mix smooth with coldwater. Add it to the' meat and let it boil a few minutes, stirring it allthe time. Boil a tea-cup full of rice in plenty of water till tender, strainthrough a sieve, lay it around a flat meat dish and place the curried meat in the middle. Veal Loaf Boil a knuckle of veal until it falls off the bone. Takeoff and runthrough a chopper and season and mix with a little of the liquor that ithas been boiled in. Boil 6 eggs hard and cut them in half and put theflat side down in the dish and pour ,the chopped veal over them and let cool and then tnrn out. Mrs. Ritner. Potted Chicken One stewed fowl. To every pound of meat add piece of butter size of an egg, cut meat in small dice and grind till fine. Pack into jars andcover with liquor it is cooked in. If preferred, add a little cold ham. Mrs. Helen Peterig Meat Loaf One cup chopped pork, 2 cups chopped beef, 4 slices of bread, 4 eggs,1 onion, fried in butter. Season to taste. Make in loaf. Spread withbutter and bake until done. Mrs. Treen. Liver Dumplings One lb. liver chopped fine, bunch pot-herbs, 2 onions chopped fine, 1 egg. flour enough to make it stiff. Then have yonr liver boiling, makeyour dumplings and drop them in with it and make a dressiug of the broth. Mrs. F. Krider. Potato Croquettes This receipt will make twelve croquettes. Two cups plain mashed potatoes, one teaspoonful ouion juice, grating of nutmeg, one tablespoonfulchopped parsley, two tablespoonfuls of cream, one teaspoonful of saltyolkes of two eggs, piece of butter size of walnut, dash of cayenne pepper. Beat the eggs, add the potatoes and then the other ingredients.mix aud turn into a saucepan. Stir over the fire until the mixture leavesthe sides of the pan. Take from fire and when cool form into small cylinders, beat an egg without separating, add to it a tablespoonful of warmwater. Dip the cylinder into this, then into bread crumbs and fry insmoking hot pan. Cream Cabbage One head of cabbage cut in four parts and put in two quarts of boilingwater with two teaspoonfuls of salt. Boil until tender and then drain. DRESSING One half cup milk, a large lump of butter mixed with one tablespoonful ot flour. Then mix the boiling milk into itrand pour over the cabbage Mrs. W. C. Thompson. Spinach PieMake a pie dough as described in the boiled custard receipt. Filling: One-half cup flour, one cup cream, two eggs, salt and pepper and two cups of raw spinach cut very fine. Mix all together and fill up a linedpie plate. Cut two thin slices of lean bacon in small pieces and garnishthe pie with it. Mrs. DuVoisin. Stuffed Tomatoes. Take large tomatoes, cut across, remove the seeds without breaking the cells. To fill each half take cold roast meat, beef, lamb, veal or chicken, chopped very fine, little bread crumbs, parsley, salt, pepper,and one or two yolkes of eggs, when all filled glaze them with the white of eggs, have some hot fat in a frying pan, place the tomatoes meat side down: when brown turn and let them cook ten to fifteen minutes. From An Old French Cook Book. Stewed Turnips Four tnrnips, pare and slice very thin; boil in water until quite tender,drain off water and pour sweet milk or cream enough to cover them,"season with small lump of butter and salt and pepper, allow them to come to a boil, dish and serve.
Potato Salad Three medium sized potatoes, chopped to the size of a chestnut, poorover them two teaspoonfuls of viuegar, one-eighth teaspoonful each ofblack pepper, cayenne pepper, and salt, mix one-eighth teaspoonful of mustard with a teaspoonful of hot water, and pour that over. Chop two onions line and soak them in a cup of water, with a teaspoonful of saltin it until ready to pour dressing over the salad. For the dressing, boil a cup of milk and while boiling add a teaspoouful of corn starch first dissolved in a little milk. Add a beaten egg after the corn starch has boiled, take off the stove, stir in small piece of butter, put onion with potatoes, pour dressing over and mix well, put on ice before serving. Mrs. Ramsey.
One egg one third cup of butter, one fourth cup of sugar, three fourth cup of milk, two cups of flour, four small teaspoonfuls of bakingpowder,, one fourth teaspoonful of salt. Cream, butter and sugar add milk, egg, flour and powder. Put a small quantity in each pan. French Rolls One half pint yeast, one pint sweet milk, one cup of lard and butter mixed, one third cup of sugar, one quart of flour. Make into a sponge, jlet it get light, then make up, not stiff, let it get light again, then kneaddown, when light again, roll out about one half an inch thick and cut out.As you cut each one, spread a scrap of butter and fold over, let them stand awhile; bake in moderate oven. Biscuit One pt. milk, one cup sugar, one cupbutter, one tablespoonful of lard,one egg, one yeast cake, flour enough to knead. Mrs. Hall Tea Biscuit. One egg, one cup of milk, one tablespoonful of melted butter, two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder, pinch of salt, add flour to make a soft dough, roll out and cut, bake in oven. Mrs. II. Moore.
Top CAKE Spice Cake Two teacups of brown sugar, two teacups flour, one-half teacup butterone-half teacup sour milk, one and one-half teaspoonfuls cinnamon, oneand one-half teaspoonfuls cloves, one-half teaspoonful nutmeg, one teaspoonful baking soda, four eggs, beat yolkes and two whites with sugar andbutter, bake in jelly cake tins, spread each layer with the other two whites in one cup pulverized sugar. I always dissolve the baking sodain a little vinegar. Laura J. Entriken, Malvern, Pa. Spice Cake One cup of sugar, two eggs, one-half cup of butter and lard mixed, one cup of milk, mix together one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-halfteaspoonful of cloves, allspice and nutmeg, with about two large cups offlour and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Add together and Hakein a slow oven a half hour. Mrs. Dickie. Fruit Cake One pound of flour, one pound brown sugar, one pound of butter, twopounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, one-half pound citron, onequarter pound candied orange peel, one-quarter pound candied lemonpeel, six eggs, six tablespoonfuls of sour milk, one heaping teaspoonfulof soda, one cupful of New Orleans molasses, one gill of brandy, onenutmeg, one teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cloves.This will make enough for a six-quart pan. Bake three hours iu a slowoven. One-half of this receipt makes a nice sized cake. Chocolate Cukes Eight eggs, one pound of chocolate (one-half in cake, one-half iniceing), two cups of sugar (granulated), one cup of butter, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two and one-half cups of milk, flour tomake stiff. Devil's Food One-half cake chocolate, one-half cup sweet milk, one cup sugar, yolkof one egg, one teaspoonful of vanilla; boil and cool, BATTER. One cup sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half cup butter, two eggs,two and one-half cups flour, one teaspoonful of soda. Lemon Jelly Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, two and onehalf cups flour, two tablespoonfuls of baking powder, three eggs, one teaspoonful of lemon extract. Bake in layers. Mrs. L. H. Lapp. Good Plain Cake. Two cups of sugar, three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two cups of sweet milk, four cups of flour, six teaspoonfuls of baking power. Flavor to suit taste. Mrs. Yerkes. Jennie Lind Cake. One cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one cup of milk, one and one-half cups of flour, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in three layers and put in one cup of raisins chopped fine for the middle layer. Spices same as for fruit cake. Mrs. M. Smedley. Gold Leaf Cake. One-quarter pound butter, three-quarters cup of sugar, one and one-quarter cups of milk, four eggs, flour to make a batter, one teaspoonful baking powder. Mrs. J. Seasholtz. Prune Pie. One-half pound prunes, a scant half cup sugar, one tablespoonful lemon juice, one and one-half teaspoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful of flour. Mrs. A. Murdock. Drop Cookies. One cupful sugar, one-half cup butter, one cupful sweet milk, whites of two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half nutmeg, flour enough to stir very thick. Drop in small spoonfuls on a buttered tin, sprinkle the top with English currants and granulated sugar, and bake quickly. Mrs. Burns. New Century Puddling. One cup suet, one cup currants, one cup sugar, two eggs, yolkes only, one cup milk, one-half teaspoonful salt, three cups flour, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one cup raisins, one teaspoonful baking powder. Shred and chop the suet fine, stone the raisins, pick, wash and dry the currants. Beat the sugar, suet and yolkes of eggs together until light, then add the milk and flour, beat until smooth, add the spices, salt and baking powder. Mix well and add the fruit well floured, turn into a greased mould and steam for three hours. Serve hot with hard sauce. Mrs. S. J. Nuzum. Delmonico's Potatoes. To each pt. of cold boiled potatoes cut fine, allow 1 cup full of cream, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1 teaspoonful of salt and 1-4 of a teaspoonful of pepper. Season the potatoes with the salt and pepper. Put them in a shallow baking dish which has been greased. Pour over them the cream, then the melted butter and brown in quick oven. Mrs. Wm. H. Fritz. Banana Salad. Peel and slice four bananas, and three oranges, carefully removing all seeds. Pare, eye, and shred a small pineapple, mix the fruit lightly together being careful not to break it, place it in a salad bowl, lined with lettuce and pour over it a dressing made as follows: Beat the yokes of four eggs until quite thick, add gradually one cupful of sugar and a little salt, and continue to beat until the sugar is all dissolved then, add the strained juice of two lemons and serve very cold. Retta R. Nuzum. Corn Bread. Two cups of flour, one cup of Indian meal, one tablespoonful of sugar, one egg, one and one-half cups of milk, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one scant teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of lard. Put meal, flour and baking powder in sieve. Melt lardadd egg, sugar, milk. Add meal, flour, baking powder. Bake in moderate oven about one hour. Mrs. G. W. Lewis.
English Pickle. One-half peck tomatoes, (green), six large onions, nix peppers. Chop. Nearly cover with vinegar and boil till lender. Drain vinegar off and donot use it. Three pints of vinegar, mixed with a cup of ground mustard,two cups sugar, three tablespoonfuls salt. Boil and skim and add twotablespoonfuls of celery seed and one of whole cloves. Put pickle in jars and cover with the preparation. Chow Chow. One-half peck green tomatoes, one-half dozen peppers, one small headof cabbage, four stalks of celery chopped fine, one-half dozen onions.Mix with handful of salt and let stand to drain over night. Next morning add the celery with a cup of brown sugar, some brown and white mustard seed and a few cloves. Cover with vinegar and boil until tender. A small piece of horse radish will improve it. Corn Pickle. Six ears of corn, six onions, six cucumbers, six peppers, one head ofcabbage, celery seed, mustard seed and salt to taste, Chop all fine andadd one cup sugar. Cover with vinegar and cook until soft. Mrs. EdWards.
Orange Sherbet. Three and one-half quarts of water, two pounds granulated sugar, twobeaten eggs, juice and grated rind of two oranges, juice of one lemon.Beat the sugar and eggs together, add water and grated rinds. Freeze as ice cream. The strained juice of the fruit shonld not be added until the mixture begins to freeze. Mrs. Sue Lapp. Frozen Cherries. One quart can cherries, two eggs, two cups sugar, two cups water.Mix well together and freeze. Mrs. Yerkes. Lemon Ice. Juice of four lemons, one pound sugar, one quart boiling water. Mix and let cool. Add beaten whites of three eggs. Freeze. Mrs. Rodgers.
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