Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: April 2001 Volume 39 Number 2, Pages 70–72

Notes and Comments

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Club Ends One Tradition, Begins Another

The tradition of an annual History Club banquet or dinner, which lasted through 61 years (save a three- year hiatus 1942-1944 for World War II), ended last year.In its stead, members enjoyed a Sunday afternoon tea (with tea sandwiches, scones, clotted cream and lemon curd) on October 29, 2000 in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Church in Berwyn, the first of what we expect will become another tradition in the new century.

The first Club banquet was held March 7, 1939 at the Windmill Tea Room (former General Jackson Inn) in Paoli. Speakers that night were four charter members of the new Club, Paul Teamer, Mary Okie Croasdale, Phoebe Cox Prime, and Howard Okie. It was followed in succeeding years by dinner at other old inns, The King of Prussia, Ye Old Bull Tavern, and The General Warren, as well as at other dining rooms of our community. At the tea last year, Eva Noll, a past president of the Club, spoke to the group about the history of "Duffryn Mawr" (the Great Valley).


School Board Appoints Superintendent

Dr. Daniel E. Waters was appointed Superintendent of Schools effective January 1, 2001 by the Board of School Directors. Dr. Waters served as Substitute Superintendent for the transitional year while Superintendent Theodore Foot was on sabbatical leave.

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Dr. Waters earned a bachelors degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a master's degree from Villanova University, and a doctoral degree from Temple University. In 1988 he began his career in T/E as the princi­pal of Conestoga High School. Most recently he served as District Director of Educational Program, a position he assumed in 1993.


Tredyffrin Township Officers Change

Richard Harkness, the new superintendent of police in Tredyffrin, was installed at a ceremony on January 2, 2001. He succeeded former superintendent Paul Pennypacker. Harkness previously served 22 years with the New Castle County (Del.) police department.

Terry Woodman, assistant township manager in Tredyffrin for 13 years, resigned her post to become township manager on February 5 in neighboring East Whiteland Township, replacing J. Donald Reimenschneider there who will retire after 38 years.


Passing of Two Long-lived Local Figures Noted

Early in the new century, we look back on the passing of two persons who each had a near 100-year perspective on life in our community. Rhienwalt Supplee Platt, age 102, died on December 6, 2000 in West Chester. He was a member of our local School Board from 1945 to 1970. Nine schools were built during the period he was on the board.

Dorothy Beaumont Lapp, age 99, died December 29, 2000, also in West Chester. She was a history researcher. From 1937-1973 she worked as a librarian for the Chester County Historical Society and then as an archivist there. Her efforts contributed greatly to the richness of local history resources in Chester County.


"Summer Boarding," from the Chester County Democrat, April 25, 1895

The arrival of Spring in all its loveliness and serenity is hearlded on every hand by the joyous notes of the blue bird, the robin, the song-sparrow, the red-shouldered starling and the confident caw of the ravenous crow; the blooming of trailing arbutus in abundance, gratifying to the hearts of young lovers, and the outburst of foliage everywhere; the newly turned furrow and seeding; the substitution of fly screens for storm doors and the arrival of the summer boarder, who, not unlike the proverbial worm, is eagerly sought and gobbled up by the keepers of the summer boarding

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houses in this locality, the inauguration of whose campaign [to secure patrons] has begun already.

The popularity of Berwyn and the surrounding neighborhood as a summering place for city folks whose business will not permit their removal to a distant point during the heated term, is increasing yearly, and quite a number of our citizens follow, catering to the appetites and desires of this trade greatly to their profit or sorrow. Through the intervention of some occult agency which the acumen of our intellect has so far been unable to penetrate, or by systematic canvassing, our boarding house keepers have scented from afar a big season in their business this year, and their prepa­rations to pluck the city goose are marked by scenes of great activity.

The famous Devon Inn is receiving the touches of the renovator, and its fine expansive lawns the attention of the landscape gardener. The Inn, [under the excellent management of Miss Simmons,] will have many attractions this season not offered heretofore, one of the most delightful of which being the large bathing pond constructed by a syndicate of local capitalists during the past year at an expense of $5000. It is authentically reported that the entire number of rooms in this massive hotel has been chartered by guests for the early part of the season opening about May 15 [and it is expected a number of society events will take place].

The Wynburne Inn opens its doors on the first day of June under the new management of Miss E. E. Shay, of Philadelphia. This place has always been patronized by an excellent class of people to the full extent of its capacity, which is accommodations for eighty or more. The Misses Jardine have returned and taken charge of Fairview Hall, which was delightfully managed last season by Mrs. Joseph Petery; and Mrs. H. E. Longenecker announces excellent entertainment at Buttonwood Spring Cottage situated on the bluff rising above the sparkling waters from which the place derives its name.

The lovers of real country life, with all its simplicity, will be well taken care of by W. W. Downing [up to thirty-five persons at his pleasant farm house one mile south of this place; and quite a number more at the farm of James Orr, and others right in the midst of real farms, while those whose purses are not suffering from attack of plethora will be able to secure fair accommodations in private families at reasonable rates. In addition to this, no less than ten of the best located and furnished residences of the village are offered for rent for the summer by their owners [including Mrs. M. R. Kauffman's residence north of the railroad].


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