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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: Winter/Spring 2007 Volume 44 Numbers 1&2, Inside front cover FROM THE EDITOR Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society Founded in 1936, the Society is the oldest community organization on the Upper Main Line conducting local historical research, and collecting local resources and photographs, pertaining to the townships of Tredyffrin and Easttown in eastern Chester County, Pennsylvania. For more information go to: www.tehistory.org The Society is especially grateful to its Patron Members, whose special financial contribution is most greatly appreciated: Mike Betram & Kathy King, Ernest Eadah, Peggy L. Egertson, Herbert Fry, Michael Morrison, Joyce and J.B. Post, Henry A. Rentschler, Carol and Roger Thorne. Society Officers
Editor of the History of Tredyffrin: Mike Bertram Authors retain copyright of their contributions. The Society does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the articles. Published four times a year by the Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society. Printed by Keystone Digital Press, West Chester, Pennsylvania
TREDYFFRIN EASTTOWN HISTORY QUARTERLY British Encampment in Tredyffrin, 19th September 1777 FRONT COVER IMAGES: Tredyffrin 300 logo created by Devon Snyder; The watercolor of the British Light Dragoon encampment by Contention Lane is by William Augustus West, Lord Cantelupe, courtesy of Lord Howick and Thomas McGuire.
BACK COVER IMAGES: From the Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society and Valley Forge National Historical Park archives. Tredyffrin 300 slogan "You Have a History in Tredyffrin" devised by Pattye Benson. |
Page last updated: 2014-09-24 at 10:35 EDT |