Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: Winter/Spring 2007 Volume 44 Numbers 1&2, Page 51

The Covered Bridge

Page 51

Illustration from page 51

The original route of the eastern part of Yellow Springs Road was determined in 1768 (the western part having being laid out somewhat earlier). This road forded Valley Creek south of Knox's and Maxwell's Quarters. Later a road was laid out from where Valley Creek goes between Mounts Joy and Misery southward to the Wilson Farm (now Wilson Farm Park). This was known as Wilson's Road. Initially it forded Valley Creek near the location of the present covered bridge.

The first bridge was built over Valley Creek in 1851. Frederick Wood won the contract to build the bridge with a bid of $814. It is unclear whether the first bridge was covered. An 1842 plan for the bridge is shown below. This can be compared with a plan for the present bridge. A flood destroyed the first bridge in July 1865. Robert Russell was given the contract to rebuild it at a cost of $1,179.

Illustration from page 51

Early 20th century postcard picture

The covered bridge is also known as the Knox bridge. It is not clear whether this refers to General Knox who stayed nearby during the encampment or Senator Philander Knox (no relation) who owned the adjacent farm in the early 20th century. The bridge has been repaired on several occasions. In 1958 it was severely damaged by arson and was rebuilt. Then just before midnight on the 6th September 1967 a truck carrying steel drove through the side of the bridge. In June 2006 the bridge was struck again by a vehicle and closed to truck and bus traffic.

The bridge has been the subject of many paintings and drawings over the years and is the township symbol.

Illustration from page 51


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