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Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society |
Source: Fall 2007 Volume 44 Number 4, Page 120 FROM THE EDITOR 2007 has been a very memorable year for the Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society. Tredyffrin Township celebrated its 300th year during the weekend of September 14-16, with a gala all-day party in Wilson Farm Park on the 15th. The Society's contribution to this event was to publish a double issue of our Tredyffrin Easttown History Quarterly. This is an 89-page picture-filled book of 37 articles about the history of the township from colonial times to the present. It is edited by Mike Bertram and is a combined Winter/Spring issue of our Quarterly. The price is $20 and it is available at many locations throughout the township. It is the first history ever published about Tredyffrin and has been a very popular item. The 2007 celebrations were not over yet. The Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society was celebrating its 70th year. We decided to publish another special issue of the Quarterly to mark this event. This Fall issue is a 68-page picture-filled look at both the Historical Society and the Quarterly. Long-time resident of Berwyn, past president of the organization and past editor of the Quarterly, and the area's leading historian, Herb Fry, has written “Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society: A Short Look at a Long History,” an extensive review of how our organization came to be, its 70-year growth, and its involvement in many local historical events. Joyce Post, editor of the Quarterly for the past 5 years, has written “70 Years of Publishing the Quarterly,” a first-time history of our publication. Most of the stories in these two articles have not been told before. They are largely based on a thorough reading of the Society's Minutes and the many meetings between Herb and Joyce in an effort to understand this history and tell these stories to the best of our abilities. The Quarterly has published a total of 186 pages in 2007. This too is an historic event—we've never published this many pages in one year before. We hope you find these 2007 efforts both informative and entertaining. The first meeting of the Historical Society in 2008 is a business meeting on January 20 at 2 PM at the Easttown Library & Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn. The next meeting is on February 17 at the Valley Forge National Historical Park Education Center, with Park Collections Curator Scott Houting as the speaker. For further information about these and future meetings contact Roger Thorne, President or Dennis Leeper, Program Chair, or go to our web site at www.tehistory.org.
Authors retain copyright of their contributions.
OUR 70th YEAR A History of the Society and its Publication FRONT COVER: Dedication of a historical marker placed at the site of the Stone Chimney Picket Post used during the 1777-78 Valley Forge Encampment. The marker was placed by the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club and dedicated on August 1, 1939. Photo from TEHS Image Collection. INSIDE FRONT COVER: The two images on this page and the photograph on the front cover show the same historic location at 3 points in time: the Stone Chimney Picket Post of the American Valley Forge Encampment of 1777-78. The drawing at the top, thought to be by S. Paul Teamer and first seen on the front cover of the October 1937 issue of the Quarterly, is a representation of the location and was prepared for the placement of a marker at the site on August 1, 1939 by the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club. The photograph on the front cover shows Club members at the August dedication. The photograph on the bottom of this page is a contemporary view of the site and the marker taken in December 2007 by Joyce A. Post. The site is at the northwest corner of the intersection of Valley Forge Road and Anthony Wayne Drive. INSIDE BACK COVER: Reproduction of the back of the photograph on the front cover listing the participants at the August 1, 1939 Stone Chimney Picket Post dedication ceremony. BACK COVER: Original logo drawing. |
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