Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: Fall 2007 Volume 44 Number 4, Pages 169–179

Article continued from page 168 "CUMULATED INDEXES"


Joyce A. Post, Editor

Page 169


Earliest Decisions

The immediate popularity of the Quarterly meant that TEHC had to maintain the high quality it had set for its content plus keep up a steady flow of new issues. Some difficult decisions had to be made.

After the club had been active for some time, the members decided that many of the papers presented should be preserved in printed form ... We would have liked to put out our work in printed form in a quarterly or an annual. But the cost was prohibitive. So we decided to put out mimeographed quarterlies. The president of the club was able to make arrangements by which this could be done using more or less amateur workers. The publication of the quarterly ... is definitely not one of the aims or objects of the club.

However, we soon found that the publication became popular. As high as one hundred seventy-five copies had to be made. This made a large amount of work which intruded on the time of the members, tending to make the history club work a labor rather than a pleasurable hobby. So the work of issueing [sic] the quarterly has been reorganized for the coming year in such a way that the time of the members may be free for the real purpose of the club, research in the history of Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships. [S. Paul Teamer, “Editorial,” Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 1 (Winter Number January 1940), p. 1].

Mimeograph Machine

A mimeograph machine was used to produce the Quarterly during the 36 years between the first issue in 1937 and the last mimeographed issue in April 1973 (volume 16, no. 2).

Details about production methods used for the early quarterlies are scanty and must be pieced together from the brief Quarterly Committee reports regularly appearing in the Minutes. One of the most valuable and complete accounts comes from a 1989 letter from Tony Morelli living at that time on South Leopard Road. It gives details about Mr. Teamer's statement above on his “arrangements by which this could be done using more or less amateur workers.”

Mr. Morelli writes:

It hardly seems possible that close to fifty years have elapsed since as a high school student I was asked by Mr. S. Paul Teamer to work on the Quarterly. If memory serves me correctly the years that I was involved would encompass parts of the years 1939, 1940 and 1941.

I recall with fond memories receiving hand-written articles by the members of the club of that era, and in some instances they were somewhat difficult to decipher. After a period of time Mr. Teamer, who had been my history teacher and golf coach, gave me the license of editing and changing some of the sentence structure as I deemed fitting and necessary. It was my job to type the stencils, run off copies on the hand-run mimeo- graph machine in Miss Bertha Neiman's office - she being the school secretary - and lay out all the printed sheets, put the pages in order, and at the end stapling everything together.”

By 1940 TEHC recognized the need for its own mimeograph [M7/2/40], and that “a second hand mimeographing' machine has been found” [M3/5/41]. The price is not given, but by subtracting the treasury balance of $3.45 on May 6, 1941 from the treasury balance of $28.45 on March 5, 1941 - a period when the Minutes list no other expenses - one obtains a figure of $25.00 and can infer, with caution, that this was the cost of the machine.

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Illustration from page 170

Mimeoscope illustrated as Plate 32 at

In 1941 “After some discussion Mr. Okie moved we purchase a mimeoscope, the motion seconded and carried” [M10/8/41]. At the next meeting “Mr. Okie reported [a] Balance [in the Quarterly treasury of] $9.02 [and] Paid for mimeoscope $8.50 [leaving as a] Balance $.52” [M11/4/41].

This appears to have been just at the time Evelyn Rangl joined the editorial staff of the Quarterly in 1942 as an artist.

A mimeoscope is “basically a light table [with] an electrically illuminated glass top on which the operator traced drawings onto mimeograph stencils ... The electric light was needed because the stencils were heavier and less transparent than tracing paper.” [courtesy of Early Office Museum – "Mimeoscope" section]. The operator used a stylus with a sharp tip to cut drawings directly onto the stencils.

The Club Mimeograph

By 1945 - five years after the purchase of a mimeograph machine - the membership felt “It would seem more economical to have the work done ‘in town’ [Philadelphia?] and the machine should be sold promptly” [M8/13/45]. The cost of mimeographing the 1945 issue—the only one published that year—was $8.25 [M9/10/45].

In contrast to production costs in 2007, a report in the November 12, 1945 Minutes notes an advertisement costing $1.12—payment of which was moved and seconded by the membership—that the club placed in the Daily Local News announcing the sale of their mimeograph machine. Although there were some potential inquiries, the membership seemed to want to dispose of the machine quickly, and later voted that it “be sold for whatever we can get for it.” Eventually it was sold for $15.00 [M3/10/47] and the money was added to the Quarterly treasury.

In July 1947 the Club received a shock. “A bill of $57.00 for the last issue of the Quarterly was submitted and Mr. Heagy, the Business Manager, reported a balance of $50.90, therefore the difference will be paid from the [TEHC] treasury” [M7/24/47]. By 1948, publications exchanges with other historical societies are being declined [M6/24/48]. Member Mrs. Phoebe Prime offers to take the stencils to her office and have them run off [M10/28/48].

In 1949, with no other mentions in the Minutes of using high school students in the production of the Quarterly since Mr. Teamer's and Mr. Morelli's quotes above, the 1948 and 1949 Minutes contain the following information: “Discussion followed as to the mimeographing done by the senior class of High School. Suggested that something be given to them and the teacher for the work they did on the Quarterly. This was left up to the Quarterly Committee” [M2/24/49].

The next month, with a Quarterly treasury balance of $6.51, “Miss [Myrtle] Wandless reports that $5.00 had been given to the Senior Class and a box of candy for the teacher” [M3/24/49]. Since this is the first mention of using high school students since 1941, we do not know if this means this has been going on all those 8 years—although no bills or charges for their work appear in earlier Minutes—or if this is a new phase of the old arrangement. Brief mentions in later Minutes state that it was the Commercial Class at the High School that was doing the mimeographing [M12/1/49] and that they charged the Club $10.00 to do the work [M12/29/49].

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Other Information From the Mimeograph Era

The following very brief facts and news snippets from the Minutes help us to begin to understand how the earliest quarterlies were produced:

  • 1941 – a stapling machine is purchased [M8/5/41]
  • 1942 – J. Alden Mason donates a typewriter [M1/6/42]
  • 1943 (volume 5, nos. 3-4) – Bertha L. Christie is named as the Quarterly typist (She is a high school student.)
  • 1944 (volume 6, no. 1) – Josephine G. Stecher is named as the Quarterly compiler (It is not clear what the difference is between a “typist” and a “compiler” but perhaps there is a clue in the Minutes of July 10, 1944 that state “the Quarterly is in the hands of Mrs. Stecher for corrections in stencils.” She continues to be mentioned a number of other times in the Minutes during these years. In 1945, for example, the Publication Committee reports “The stencils have been received from Mrs. Stecher, and are now ready for the artist” [M6/11/45].)
  • 1947 – two progress reports to the membership from the Publication Committee give clues about how a Quarterly is produced: the Quarterly “is ready for making the stencils” [M3/10/47] and “is now ready for the art work” [M4/14/47]
  • 1948 – In June, July, and August Mr. Okie reports difficulty in obtaining the necessary photographs for the artist to copy
  • 1949 – the artist, Evelyn Rangl, now Schmidt, has been located in Camden, NJ and will be given the work to do [M1/27/49]. (The next month the Minutes report several related events: the issue is ready, the artist has sent her bill for her work, and it was moved and seconded that TEHC send the artist a wedding gift [M2/24/49].)
  • 1950 – “Mr. Heagy had assembled all the Quarterlies himself. That is not how the Committee had planned, but he had taken on the job.” They then moved and seconded that he be sent a letter of thanks [M1/26/50]
  • 1955 – a TEHC member “reported on the advisability of printing the next issue” of the Quarterly [M5/26/55].

More of Fannie's Story

Fannie Wandless is listed on the editorial staff of every issue of the Quarterly in the years between 1952 and 1973. Although she is not given a position, she was obviously the production manager for the Quarterly during these 21 years. This is confirmed by at least 6 different acknowledgements in the TEHC Minutes of her efforts throughout this period. For example, in 1953 and 1954, Dr. Mason recognizes that she did most of the work on individual issues [M12/4/53] and [M4/29/54]. In 1963 she was presented with a world atlas for her work in publishing the Quarterly [M8/29/63]. In 1970 she was given an “enthusiastic ovation for the quality and appearance of the most recent Quarterly” [M12/1/70].

After the 18 years between 1949 and 1967, when there is no mention of a mimeograph, it resurfaces again. In September Mrs. Wandless states that the mimeograph “is in need of repair” [M9/28/67] and that the cost of repairs “had been pro-rated among the three organizations for which work was done and the cost to TEHC is $10.00” [M1/28/68]. Apparently, during these 18 years, the use of high school students to produce the Quarterly had ceased and the editorial staff had decided to start running off issues on its own again. There is, however, a report in the Minutes that “A high school student will make stencils for $1.00 each” [M3/24/65]. It is not known whether she was taken up on her offer.

When Fannie died in 1975, the Minutes state that the mimeograph machine must be moved out of the Wandless house [M6/26/75]. For the next year the Minutes record various discussions about who could use it, but nothing happened. In the end the machine has been moved to the house of president Elinor Detterline for storage [M6/24/76].

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The Goshorn Years

Mimeograph and Offset

With the mimeograph method, ink flows through the cuts in the stencil and directly onto the finished page. With offset methods, the original composed page is photographed onto the printing surface, which is inked and the image transferred by contact to the finished page.
—J. B. and Joyce Post

Bob brought his Curtis Publishing experience to the Quarterly and used the offset printing equipment in the school district print shop to produce the quarterlies he edited between 1978 and 1995. This meant the Quarterly was no longer limited to using only drawings that could be reproduced on stencils and a mimeograph machine. Offset methods produced better quality illustrations and also allowed the use of a better grade of paper. Paper no longer had to be somewhat porous in nature so mimeograph inks would transfer to and set in the paper.

Illustration from page ___

Miss Bertha M. Neiman. Conestoga High School Yearbook, Faculty Section. ca. 1964.

Before pages could be printed, they had to be prepared for the printer. Earlier in this section, Tony Morelli describes his work preparing quarterlies on a “mimeograph machine in Miss Bertha Neiman's office.” Bertha was the administrative assistant to the senior high school principals in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District between 1929 and 1977. Bob Goshorn interviewed her on April 14, 1978 and the interview was published in the Quarterly [“Neiman on Neiman: An Autobiography.” Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 4 (October 2000), pp. 131-144].

Bertha describes how junior and senior students in the Business Education Department could work in her office to gain practical experience and instruction in using the office equipment there. Although there is nothing specific in this interview, it seems somewhat likely, considering Bob's connections with both the school district and the TEHC Quarterly, that pages for the printer were prepared by these students in Miss Neiman's office.

In the first 2 issues Bob edited, he credits the help of 2 specific individuals with production. “The Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club expresses its appreciation to Rita Renshaw for her assistance in the preparation of this issue” [Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 3 (Fall 1978), p. 64] and “The T-E History Club expresses its appreciation to Phyllis Parris for her assistance in preparing this issue for printing” [Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 4 (Winter 1978), p. 91]. Future issues do not have similar statements.

Later it was reported that Bob used a “digital typewriter,” apparently a typewriter that allowed text to be edited and seems to have been a transition technology between the old regular typewriter and future word processing equipment.

What came back from the printer was the requested quantity of each individual page in a Quarterly. They still needed to be assembled, have the green covers added, and be stapled. It is not clear who did these tasks, but Herb tells of stapling “parties” at Bob's house and how he preferred this method when mechanical binding methods were available.

The Fry Years

Bob's sudden death in November 1995 was a major blow. At the January 1996 TEHC meeting:

There was a discussion of the future of the club and its quarterly in the light of the death of the passing of Bob Goshorn. Herb Fry reported that Bob had almost completed the January edition of the Quarterly and that he (Herb) had prepared it for printing. This will be done as soon as the School District decided whether it will continue to do the printing for us in their print shop [M1/28/96].

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When Herb became the editor of the Quarterly in January 1996 what he had was a portable Royal typewriter and no experience in word processing. In February 1996 it is reported that “Herb will ... see Gary Kershner [sic] at the Conestoga High School Communication Center about using computers there to prepare the Quarterly for printing. The school district graphic arts department will continue to print the Quarterlies on a cost reimbursement basis” [M2/25/96]. Later Herb reports he was at the Conestoga High School “Computer Lab” being tutored in how to prepare pages on a Mac using word processing software.

In the April 1996 issue the “Notes and Comments” feature states “The current issue of the Quarterly presents a new look. ... It has been printed using type set on a computer at the Communication Center in Conestoga High School. We thank Dr. Gary Kerschner and his associates JoAnn Ludden and Linda Cresci for their help and much needed technical assistance” (Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 2 (April 1996), p. 81). The articles in the next issue—July 1996—have a variety of typefaces and look as if they have been typed by different people on different machines. By his 4th issue—October 1996—Herb was pretty much up to speed and preparing pages for the printer himself. The new look of the Quarterly gradually settled in.

For the next 3 years Herb carried all his materials to Conestoga and prepared the pages of the Quarterly during evenings and weekends when students were not using the computers. There wasn't much working space and it was often difficult to spread out material to calculate where and how much blank space to leave on a page where illustrative material would later be inserted using cut-and-paste methods.

Herb purchased his own Mac in December 1999 and in 2000 he was able to prepare pages in his own space and time.

Herb also used the school district printer who ran off the required number of copies of individual pages. He too needed to get them assembled, stapled, mailed, and distributed.

The Post Years

The Quarterly is now completely produced using e-mail and a variety of software applications. The hardware and applications described below will evolve and change quickly over time and quite possibly be different from the descriptions included here. The basic production steps will not change that much or as often.

All text is submitted in electronic format as either e-mail attachments, CDs, or flash drives. If an author is not able to provide this there are several options. Oral presentations given without notes at TEHC monthly meetings are recorded as a .wav file and transcribed onto a CD. It rarely happens any more, but some authors have only a typed copy on paper that we may try to convert to an electronic format with either OCR or conversion software. The latter method also converts Mac documents to Word documents. The query process between the editor and an author to finalize text is conducted by e-mail.

Images supplied—most often on a CD—by an author usually accompany his or her text. Often we receive them as Power Point presentations. If the author has only original photographs or other accompanying illustrative material in non-digital format, they can be scanned - either by us or an outside agency - and, if necessary, enhanced using Photoshop Elements. We often contact another source for an image when we know it is available and arrange for copies and permissions and credit statements. Images received this way are almost always supplied on a CD.

In preparing material for the printer, the first task is to finalize all the text using word processing software—we use Microsoft Word. At the same time final selections are made of all the photographs and other graphic images for each issue. Captions, sidebars, short blocks of text, and other additional material is also prepared using word processing software. Facts are checked and rechecked.

The next step is to create the layout and design of each individual page in an issue by merging text, images, and other components of the page using desktop publishing software—we use Microsoft Publisher. This allows the use of more electronic fonts and special artistic and design features to create a more modern look and raise and sustain reader interest.

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The final stage is to prepare the copy for the printer. Like everything else, printers use a variety of printing methods and the person preparing copy for the printer must know this in advance so copy is prepared in a compatible format. The Quarterly continues to use the Tredyffrin Easttown School District Print Shop and works with Angelo Cecco there, just as Bob Goshorn and Herb Fry did, but the printing methods currently used are different.

The print shop now prints quarterlies using a Xerox technique that produces back-to-back 11 by 17 sheets each containing 4 pages. The editorial staff must take the individual pages, now in final design format, and place them in an electronic dummy order - which is not the same as ordinary page order - and move each page, one by one, into its proper half of the correct double page on an 11 x 17 on-screen template. This is also done with our desktop publishing software. All the inside pages are one file and the 4 cover pages are another file. These are burned onto a CD which is taken to the printer. Since, at this time, the Quarterly is a black and white publication, one of the most difficult parts of this process is getting the black and white contrasts in the images to print correctly. This is harder when there is more than one image on a page.

In preparing for a time in the not-so-distant future, all back issues of the Quarterly have been digitized in .pdf format. In addition, more recent issues not yet completely digitized are converted to .pdf format with Adobe Reader. Requests for copies of articles from back issues are supplied either as e-mail attachments in .pdf format or in some form as hard copy. At this time most requesters still prefer to pay for the entire issue the article is in—if we haven't run out of copies—or to receive it as an old-fashioned photocopy.


The first listing of the second named position for the Quarterly—a business manager—appeared in volume 3, no. 2 (April 1940). This was Mildred F. Bradley, a co-founder of TEHC, who from the first meeting on August 4, 1936 acted as TEHC secretary. Seven months after she was named business manager, Mrs. Bradley asked the Club to accept her resignation “owing to the amount of time it took to do the work” although she agreed to “carry on until things were straightened out” when the Quarterly Committee agreed to “revise ways and means for delivery of the Quarterly” [M11/12/40].

In addition to the regular treasurer's duties, the business manager was also responsible for the distribution of the Quarterly.

Business Managers and Treasurers

Despite her earlier intention of retiring as Quarterly business manager, Mildred F. Bradley stayed on in this position until 1942 (volume 5, no. 2). After that she continued to be listed as a general member of the editorial staff, although not in any official capacity. She was, however, always working hard for TEHC, helping to get out the Quarterly, researching and writing major articles about the local education system, and serving in various offices. She was followed by 3 other officially named business managers:

  • 1943 (volume 5, nos. 3-4) – no business manager
  • 1944 (volume 6, no. 1) – Fannie R. Wandless is listed as the business manager in the Quarterly, although in the minutes [M3/13/44] she is a member of the Publication Committee and is serving as Managing Editor
  • 1945 to 1953 (volume 6, no. 2 to volume 8, no. 1) – John F. Heagy is the business manager
  • 1954 to April 1973 (volume 8, no. 2 to volume 16, no. 2) – Roy Fisher is the business manager. He and Mildred Bradley were married sometime between December 1948 and December 1949
  • 1969-70 – the Quarterly business manager becomes the TEHC treasurer in 1969/70
  • 1975 – the Quarterly treasury is merged into the TEHC treasury [M5/18/75] and a checking account is first mentioned [M6/26/75]
  • 1975 to January 1984 – Mildred Erdman is the TEHC treasurer
  • November 1984 to 1987 – George Winthrop is the TEHC treasurer
  • 1988 to May 2003 – Mildred Kirkner is the TEHC treasurer
  • June 2003 to date – J. B. Post is the TEHC treasurer.

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Price of the Quarterly

  • 1937 – $.15 – single issues – “Dr. Baugh reported that the first edition of the Tredyffrin Easttown Quarterly had been placed in circulation September 26, 1937 and sold for 15 cents the cost of making” [M10/11/37]
  • 1940 – $.40 – back issues – This is the first time TEHC had a separate pricing policy fo back issues. It was decided “that now and hereafter all Quarterlies from 6 months to 1 year be priced at 40¢ and older copies at 50¢ each” [M9/3/40]
  • 1947 – $.35 – single issue price [M7/24/47] $.50 – back issues – A motion was made and seconded that all back numbers of the Quarterly will be $.50 [M7/24/47]
  • 1948 – $.40 – single copies of a single issue and $1.50 for 4 issues [M4/22/48]
  • 1968 – $.50 – back issues – as of September 26, 1968 all back issues are $.50 plus postage
  • 1970 – $.50 – all issues – “It was the general consensus of opinion that the price of the Quarterly be raised to 50¢” [M12/3/70]
  • 1977 – $1.00 – back issues – new price for back issues on March 23, 1977
  • 1978 – $.50 – single issues – price for members, $1.00 for others [M7/27/78]. (Bob Goshorn announces new rates when he becomes the editor of the Quarterly.)
  • 1990 – $.50 – single issues – Bob Goshorn says the Quarterly is “still 50 cents for members” [M11/25/90]
  • 1996 – $1.50 – single issues – price increased from $1.00 to $1.50 for members and to $2.00 for non-members [M11/24/96]
  • 2003 – $2.00 + postage – back issues – before April when Quarterly was produced by photocopy methods
  • 2003 – $3.00 – single issue – as of July when the Quarterly became a digitally produced publication $3.00 + postage – back issues
  • 2005 – $5.00 – single issue $5.00 + postage – back issues

Early Income and Expenditures

From the beginning, Quarterly figures on income and expenditures were kept separate from TEHS figures on income and expenditures. In 1975 they were merged into one account. Usually the annual balances in the Quarterly treasury are more than the annual balances in the TEHC treasury but sometimes the cash flow goes in the other direction. At these times when cash was low in one account, funds were transferred from one account to the other.

Early business figures are reported in the Minutes but they do not appear very regularly or in much detail. One of the earliest reported figures in the TEHC Minutes was in February 1943 when the Quarterly had $28.64 in its treasury and TEHC had $3.12 [M2/2/43]. By the middle of 1945 these numbers are $49.65 and $36.45 respectively [M6/11/45]. In 1948 they had sunk to $2.71 in the Quarterly treasury and $9.87 in the TEHC treasury [M1/22/48]. In 1950 these figures are $ .39 and $55.62 respectively [M1/20/50].

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Quarterly income is largely from the sale of current and back issues.

Early Quarterly expenses were for supplies, fees for typists, and mimeographing. Further details will be found in this article in the section on Production Methods.


In the early years, TEHC income was mainly from annual dues—just $1.00 a year per member until 2/23/1961, when it was increased to $2.00 a year per member. In 1991 dues were raised to $5.00 a person [M1/27/91]. In 1996 they were increased from $6.00 to $8.00 [M11/24/96]. In 2007 the annual membership fee for a household is $35.00 and includes 4 quarterlies a year. The sale of the Franklin Wandless “Historical Map of Easttown & Tredyffrin Township – Chester County” added $36 to the treasury in 1948 [M3/24/49] and was a substantial amount for the time.

TEHC expenses were often for plants for sick members, flowers for the families of members who had died, and gifts to members and others. TEHC was very generous with donations to many local organizations. Annual banquet and picnic costs were paid for out of members' pockets. The cost of the earliest banquets was $2.00.

Treasurer's Reports

Treasurer's reports are included with the regular TEHC monthly Minutes. The first detailed regular reports consistently giving Quarterly figures and including the most detail are by Mr. Roy Fisher, Quarterly business manager between 1954 to 1973. When Mildred Erdman became treasurer in 1975, Quarterly and TEHC figures are combined in a single report but Mildred does give separate figures for the Quarterly. After 2005 these kinds of figures are harder to find.1

1951 – 1967

A summary of these numbers in the annual meeting reports in the Minutes finds that in the years between 1951 and 1967:

  • Quarterly income ranges between $51.45 (1963) and $129.47 (1955)
  • Quarterly expenses range between $25.20 (1955) and $119. 50 (1967)
  • Quarterly balances range between $70.04 (1967) and $149.51 (1958)
  • TEHC balances range between $13.55 (1961) and $73.98 (1964).

Comparisons of the above figures must take into consideration the fact that in these years quarterlies were published irregularly; ranging between 4 issues a year to no issues a year.

1981 – 1999

The reports of the 3 TEHC treasurers between 1981 and 2000 include reimbursements paid to the Tredyffrin Easttown school district for Quarterly printing costs and rare details about Quarterly-related income:

  • Quarterly income ranges between $294.00 (1996) and $706.00 (1998)
  • Quarterly expenses range between $154.10 (1982) and $407.50 (1987)

A 1997 report states that the price of an index—presumably the cumulated index to the first 32 volumes (1937-1994)—is $3.00 and that in that year TEHC has receipts for $21.00 from the sale of the index.

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2000 – 2006

A look at similar figures for the 7 years between 2000 to 2006 is also revealing. Comparisons must take into consideration the following:

  • between 2000 and April 2003 the Quarterly was published using offset methods; beginning in July 2003 it began using digital methods
  • 2001 and 2002 only 2 issues were published each year; 4 issues were published in the other years
  • beginning in 2006 individual quarterlies are no longer sold directly to members but are included in the annual membership dues and mailed
  • the cost of individual quarterlies rose from $1.50 to $5.00 an issue. Income from direct sales of current and back issues ranges between:
  • $619 (2003) and $910 (2006). (In 2005, the last year when all issues were sold separately, income from the Quarterly was $1,276.)
  • to date, income from the “History of Tredyffrin Township” double issue in volume 44 – 2007, is running well ahead of expectations,

Expenses for producing the Quarterly ranges between:

  • $176 (2003) and $349 (2000) (These are produced using offset methods.)
  • $1,299 (2004) and $1798 (2006) (These are produced using digital methods.)
  • to date, expenses for producing the “History of Tredyffrin Township” double issue of the Quarterly (volume 44, nos.1/2 – 2007) have been covered by the sales of this publication. This Quarterly was so popular that the original print run of 1,000 copies quickly sold out and a second print run of 80 additional copies was ordered from the printer to keep up with the demand.



Starting with the first issue of the Quarterly in 1937, copies of each new issue were distributed for sale at the regular TEHC monthly meetings [M10/11/37]. This practice continued until 2006, when a new policy began and the cost of one copy of all 4 published issues a year is included in the annual membership dues and are mailed to members.

In 1943, to generate income, members are being asked to sell one additional copy of the Quarterly [M5/10/1943]. In 1953 they are asked to purchase and sell 3 copies on their own [M12/3/53].


An anonymous small notice at the bottom of the last page of volume 1, number 5 (October 1938) states “We will be glad to mail this magazine at $1.00 a year to those of our neighbors who are interested in local history.” Three years later the Minutes record a suggestion that a letter be sent out asking for subscriptions to the Quarterly [M2/4/41]. The use of subscriptions is mentioned again in 1968 [M9/26/68]. By 2006 the Quarterly was mailed to all members and other paid-up interested parties.

Local Libraries

As early as 1939 the membership had discussions about supplying the Paoli Library with free issues [M12/5/39].

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By 1941 there is also discussion of giving free copies of the Quarterly to the Berwyn Library [M12/2/41]. There are several years of difficulty when the Berwyn staff circulated issues of the Quarterly to its users; issues TEHC gave them gratis with the understanding that they were for reference use only. Berwyn's requests for more back issues to keep a complete run were too much of a strain on the Club's quickly dwindling stock of back issues.


After Mr. Teamer died the Club discussed whether to bind his personal copies of the Quarterly and present them to the Tredyffrin-Easttown High School [M8/6/40]. It took a while for this to happen. In 1942 “the two bound volumes of the Quarterly bound by Mr. Cavanaugh, in memory of Mr. Paul Teamer, were shown to the members” [M11/8/43]. The binding cost was either $2.75 or $3.00. The Minutes are not clear on this or when the binding was actually done [M5/24/45].

Binding volumes of back issues of the Quarterly and presenting them to schools and libraries in special ceremonies was a favorite activity to increase awareness of TEHC. Often there is a long lapse between the time a presentation was approved and it was carried out. Sometimes issues seem never to have ended up getting bound or specific presentations approved by the membership seem never to have happened. Bound volumes supposedly received in presentation ceremonies are later claimed to have been lost by the recipients who request replacement copies from TEHC. Such confusion as this is not all that uncommon in the Minutes. On March 28, 2004 a complete bound set of the quarterlies—150 issues—owned by Mildred Kirkner, a 1939 graduate of the Tredyffrin-Easttown High School and long time TEHC treasurer, was presented to the History Department of Conestoga High School.

Requests from Other Organizations

Judging from the Minutes for 1942 and 1943 these were years of increasing recognition and rapid growth for the Quarterly. With TEHC's very early affiliations with the Chester County Historical Society and the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies word about the excellence of the Quarterly was quickly getting around. These societies exchanged publications with each other - usually for a price - and TEHC was making money from the Quarterly.

Between 1953 and 1968 the Minutes report that TEHC had received requests from 8 different organizations for information about or for back issues of the Quarterly:

  • Temple University – wanted a complete set [M4/14/47]
  • unnamed Spanish organization – wanted “a complete record of all the articles in our magazine” [M2/26/53]. [Another overseas request came from Australia and a member of the Havard family.]
  • Conestoga High School – The superintendent of schools reported that the back issues of the Quarterly that Mr. Teamer had owned and that TEHC had bound and presented to the high school could not be found at Conestoga [they were later found in the middle school] and that they wanted to buy a complete set [M12/1/55]
  • Pennsylvania State University – in response to a 1957 request, a complete set was sold to them in 1961 [M5/25/61]
  • Free Library of Philadelphia – after a request to be put on the Quarterly mailing list, TEHC decided to give all issues to them free of charge [M1/5/58]
  • Pennsylvania Historical Society – wanted to buy a complete set [M1/28/65]
  • Franklin and Marshall College Library – wanted back issues [M1/3/66]
  • Historical Society – requested a complete set [M7/27/67]
  • State Historical Society of Wisconsin – requested a set [M4/25/68].

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The requests received between 1947 and 1968 directly correspond to the first rapid rise of Quarterly income between 1951 and 1967 reported above. The Minutes are faithful about reporting that requests were received but often do not follow up with much information about the final outcome of these requests. Nor do they report how much TEHS charged for complete sets of back issues. One clue is that in 1955, when Conestoga High School wanted to buy a complete set, the highest Quarterly income recorded so far for direct sales—$129.47—is recorded. The only other mention is a 1997 treasurer's report listing a receipt of $120.00 for the sale of one set of quarterlies + an index.

In 1989 Herb McCorry of the Mack Oil Company in Berwyn made a gift to TEHC for binding a complete set of the Quarterly to be used by the editors [Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 1 (January 1989), p. 40]. Also on this page is a list of 13 local and state libraries where complete sets of bound volumes of the Quarterly could be found in 1989. As of 2007, six of the organizations on this list no longer receive or keep the Quarterly.

In 2007 three organizations on the above list continue to receive the Quarterly: Conestoga High School, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Historical Society. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission now has a complete set. The early arrangements reported above with the Chester County Historical Society and the three local libraries—Paoli, Easttown, and Tredyffrin—still remain in effect.

Supply on Hand

Immediately, with the very first issue, A. W. Baugh reports that “50 copies had been made and there was such a demand for them that it was decided to make 50 more, 20 of which were not for sale but would be kept in the Club Records” [M10/11/37].

Issues were selling out quickly and with wide ranging requests for back issues, discussions about whether or not to “print” an additional run of a back issue—not an easy task with mimeograph stencils—appear frequently in the Minutes. Early in 1976 “Mrs. Erdman reported she had checked on the cost of duplicating some of the most extinct Quarterlies, which was 15¢ per page. She felt that this was too costly” [M1/4/76]. At the annual meeting in January 1976 “considerable discussion re – cost of duplicating old copies of the Quarterlies. Mrs. Erdman reported estimates of 96¢ for a 24 pp. issue, $1.44/copy if only 10 are duplicated – $2.55 for one copy. Mrs. Fisher suggested we might reprint only the most important articles selected from various issues. Perhaps could make a special Bicentennial issue ... Miss Reed suggested we might reprint 100 copies of the very earliest issues. No action was taken” [M1/25/76].

Print runs were sometimes increased so there would be extra copies to sell at special events. When TEHC sponsored a tour of the officers quarters' in Valley Forge, “120 copies were ready for sale” (volume 7 no. 2 – 1954) [M4/29/54]. When Conestoga High School was dedicated in 1955, 350 copies of Mrs. Fisher's history of the old and new high schools (volume 8, no. 4 – October 1955) were printed and for sale at the ceremony [M12/1/55]. When a special meeting in 2005 was about segregation in 1932-34 in this area, 250 copies were run off and quickly sold out.

In 1950, business manager John F. Heagy reported he had 849 back issues of 21 different quarterlies in his possession. Five years later, in 1955, Roy Fisher, Quarterly business manager, reports that the value of all quarterlies on hand at that time is about $400.00 [M4/24/55].

A later report by Mrs. Fisher states that a total of 1,435 issues are on hand and that another 752 copies are in the archives [M9/22/60]. At the present time in 2007, TEHC has so many back issues of quarterlies stored in over 20 large boxes in its small closet that they have not been acessible to be counted. As always, some issues are sold out.


The editor wishes to thank Mike Bertram; Elly Bulova; Angelo Cecco; David T. Draper, Manager of Information Technology, Chester County Bar Association; Herb Fry; Bonnie Haughey; Marc Heppe, DH2 Design Communications; Candy Laubach, Secretary, Tredyffrin-Easttown Superintendent of Schools; Mrs. Helen Pancoast; Alessandro Pezzati, Archivist, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; J. B. Post; Roger D. Thorne; and the staffs at the Chester County Historical Society Library and the Phoenixville Public Library.


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