News 2012
The Society Supports 2012 Paoli Blues Fest

Society Secretary Loyd Pakradooni (right) points out Wilson Farm in vintage aerial photo
TEHS booth at 2012 Paoli Blues Fest with visitors and Society volunteers Bill Keltz (left rear), Raechal & Steve Finkelmann and Nancy Kimmons (front right)
The Society attended the fourth annual Paoli Blues Fest on Saturday 6 October 2012 as a returning exhibitor. A good number of Society members volunteered to set up
and staff the booth, and despite occasional unwelcome gusts of wind, the weather cooperated and the community event was very well attended. Eight vintage aerial photos
and four new "Then and Now" photo posters featuring images from our collection were on display and attracted a lot of interest from booth visitors, many of whom were introduced to the Society
for the first time. Information about our 2011 booth display can be found here.
Visitors at TEHS booth