Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
History Quarterly Digital Archives

Source: Winter/Spring 2007 Volume 44 Numbers 1&2, Page 88

Sources and Acknowledgements

Page 88

TEHS – Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society
TEA – Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society Archives
TEQ – Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society History Quarterly

The Roads – sources: “History on a Sign Post” by Barbara Fry, Herb Fry, Frank Moorshead, and Bob Goshorn, TEQ, Vol. 28 #3 (Jul. 1990); “The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Company” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ, 23 #1 (Jan. 1985); “Additional Notes on the Fatland Ford and the Old Welsh Line Roads” by Franklin L. Burns, TEQ, 2 #1 (Jan. 1939); “The Thomas Jarman's Mill Road” by Howard Okie, TEQ, 6 #1 (Jan. 1944); “Our First Road Map” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ, 39 #3 July 2002;; Photograph of Lincoln Highway, Paoli from TEA; Sinkhole and PA Turnpike pictures courtesy of PennDOT.

18th Century Churches – sources: “Historic Churches of the Great Valley” by Jean Kadyk, James Bolin, Mary Ives, Thomas Jackmon, Jeff Groff, TEQ, 32 #1 (Jan. 1993); “Valley Friends Meeting” by Martha Lightwood, TEQ, 27 #2 (Apr. 1989); “The Baptist Church in the Great Valley” by Robert Warner, TEQ 7, #4 (Feb. 1953); “Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church at Great Valley” by William Whitehead, TEQ, 34, #1 (Jan. 1996); “Some Observations on the First Three Decades of St. David's Church History” by Frank Fuller, TEQ, 34 #2 (Apr. 1996). Photographs of the Great Valley Baptist Church, 1860 courtesy of the church, Great Valley Presbyterian Church, St. Peter's Church, St. David's Radnor from TEA.

Inns and Taverns – sources: “The General Jackson Inn” by S. Paul Teamer, TEQ 1, #4, (Jul. 1938); “Paoli Inn”, TEQ 13 #3 (Apr. 1965); ”Early Inns & Taverns” by Grace Winthrop, TEQ 25 #3 (Jul. 1987); “Tales of Local Taverns” by Meg Daly Twaddell, TEQ 23, #2 (Apr. 1985); “Tavern Stands” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 31 #3 (Jan. 1993). Drawing of the Spread Eagle Inn from Weld's Travels through the States of North America, London, 1798 and William Hogarth's etching and engraving courtesy of the Library of Congress. Photographs of Blue Ball Inn from TEA; General Jackson Inn and Paoli Inn by Julius Sachse courtesy of Herb Fry; Howellville Inns courtesy of the Pennsylvania Historical Society.

The Mills – sources: “The Clintonville Paper Mill” by Arthur E. James, TEQ 34 #2 (Apr. 1996); “Great Valley Mill”, TEQ 37 #2 (Apr. 1999); “Great Valley Mill” by Franklin Burns, TEQ 6 #1 (1944); “Local Textile Mills” by Franklin Burns, TEQ 5 #4 (1943)

The Revolutionary War – sources: The Battle of Paoli by Thomas McGuire, Stackpole Books, 2000; “American Officer's Quarters at Valley Forge”, TEQ 8 #2 (Apr. 1954); Tredyffrin in pre-Revolutionary Times by Robert Ward (1972); Valley Forge: The Making of Iron in the Eighteenth Century by Helen Schenck and Reed Knox, Archeology, 39 #1 (Jan. / Feb. 1986); “Reverend William Currie” by Mike Bertram, TEQ 42, #2 (Spring 2005); “Valley Forge Industry” by Mike Bertram, TEQ 41 #3 (Summer 2004) Photographs of Stirling's Quarters and Upper Forge Waterwheel courtesy of Valley Forge National Historical Park.

The Villages of Tredyffrin – sources: “The Post Offices of Easttown” by Katharine Stroh, TEQ, 1, #3 (Apr. 1938); “Chronicles of Old Cockletown” by Franklin Burns, TEQ, 1, #2 (Jan. 1938); “The Early History of Berwyn” by Howard Okie, TEQ, 7, #3 (Jul. 1952); “Notes on Daylesford” by Louise Kneass, TEQ, 8, #3 (Apr. 1955); “History of New Centerville” by Chris Gent, TEQ, 13, #1 (Apr. 1964); “Howellville” by Sue Andrews, TEQ, 39, #3 (Jul. 2002), “Old houses and History of Devault and Cedar Hollow” by Sue Andrews, TEQ, 38, #2 (Apr. 2000), “Great Valley Limestone Quarries, Part 2: Cedar Hollow Quarries” by Joyce Post, TEQ, 42, #4 (Fall 2005), “Valley Forge Music Fair” by Herb Fry, TEQ 36, #1 (Jan. 1998); “A Personal History of Strafford” by Anne Kirkpatrick, TEQ 35, #2 (Apr. 1997); “Strafford Village” by Stephan C. Shifter, TEQ 41, #1 (Winter 2004). Photographs of Neilly cabin, Reese cabin, Roye cabin, and Tredyffrin County Club from TEA; Howellville by Lucy Sampson; Drawings of workers' bungalows by Sue Andrews, Strafford advertisement courtesy of Stephan Schifter.

Tredyffrin Schools – sources: “Schools in Tredyffrin Township” by Mildred F. Bradley, TEQ, 1, #4 (July 1938); “The Walker School: Sixty Years of Neighborly Learning” by Molly A. TenBroeck and Elizabeth K. Weaver, TEQ 19, #3 (July 1981); “Public Schooling in the Nineteenth Century” By Bob Goshorn, TEQ 27, #4 (October 1989); “Old Eagle School” by Mildred F. Bradley, TEQ, 4 #2 (April 1941); “Two centuries of Tredyffrin Schooling” by Mildred F. Fisher, TEQ, 7 #4 (Feb. 1953); “Public Schools of Easttown and Tredyffrin Townships – Part 1” by Robert L. Ward, TEQ 35 #2 (Apr. 1997); “Readin', ‘Ritin' and ‘Rithmetric” by Grace Winthrop, Mary Whitworth Barbee, & Janet Perry, TEQ 27, #2 (April 1989); “Old Eagle School” by Marie Sutcliffe. TEQ 27, #2 (April 1989); “Diamond Rock School” by Walter J. Lutz, TEQ 18 #1 (Jan. 1980); “Secondary Education in T/E” by Mildred F. Fisher, TEQ 8 #4 (Apr. 1955); “Our Public Schools in the First half of the 18th Century” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 29 #2 (Apr. 1991); “Public Schools of T/E, Part II” by Robert L. Ward, TEQ 35 #3 (Jul. 1997); “Conestoga High School” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 34 #1 (Jan. 1996); “Old Carr School” by Mildred Bradley, TEQ 2 #4 (Oct. 1939); “Mt. Pleasant Village & Carr School” by Bonnie Edwards, TEQ 12 #1 (Apr. 1962); “Mt. Airy School” by Mark Tunnell, TEQ 20 #2 (Apr. 1982); “The One-Room School” by Eleanor Dunwoody & Stanley Lantis, TEQ 24 #4 (Oct. 1986); “Diamond Rock School” by Anne Cook, TEQ 26 #2 (Apr. 1988). Drawing of the Davis School at Howellville presented to TEHS by Anna E. White, photographs of Old Eagle School, Octagonal Schoolhouse, Carr School, Paoli School by Lucy Sampson; photographs of Strafford School, Presbyterian School, Howellville School Reunion of 1904, Berwyn Primary School, Tredyffrin Easttown High School class of 1927 from TEA.

Tredyffrin's Pioneer Medical Practitioners – sources: Chester County Medical Practitioners to 1940 by Robert E. Carlson, West Chester: self published, 1986. “Anthony Wayne Baugh M.D.” by Franklin L. Burns and Mary W. Baugh, TEQ 6, #2 (1945). A History of Chester County Pennsylvania by Heathcote, C. W., sr. and Lucile Shenk Harrisburg: National Historical Association, Inc.;“A Brief History of Greenwood Farm” by J. Randall Cotton,, TEQ, 26, #2 (Apr. 1988); History of Chester County Pennsylvania by J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope, Philadelphia: Louis H. Everts, 1881; Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania by Samuel T. Wiley and W. S. Garner, Phila., Gresham Publishing Co., 1893. “Robert Coffman Hughes, M. D.” by Mary Stevenson Lamborn, TEQ, 35. #1 (Jan. 1997); “Dr. Jacob Rickabaugh” by George B. Roberts, TEQ 6, #1(1944). Photographs: Surgical tools courtesy of Rick Wolf; Drs Baugh & Hughes courtesy of Herb Fry.

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The Rural Environment – sources: Pennsylvania Agricultural Life (2 volumes), Stevenson Whitcomb Fletcher, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, 1971; Whereby We Thrive: a history of American farming, 1607 –1972, Iowa State University Press, 1975. Photographs from Whereby We Thrive (tractor) and courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution (reaper).

The Glass Tax – photograph of Knox's and Stirling's Quarters courtesy of Valley Forge National Historical Park; Pulaski's Quarters courtesy of Mrs. Parisi.

Limestone Quarrying – sources: “Howellville Quarries” by Joyce Post, TEQ 42, #3 (Summer 2005); “Cedar Hollow Quarries” by Joyce Post, TEQ 42, #4 (Fall 2005). Photographs: Bank Kiln courtesy of Herb Fry; Shaft Kilns from Of Gold, Ships, and Sand: The History of the Warner Company by George Valentine Massey, Grove Printing Company, 1978; Cedar Hollow Quarry courtesy of Trammell Crow; Dyer Quarry, Howellville courtesy of Sue Andrews.

Railroads in Tredyffrin – sources: “Philadelphia & Chester Valley Railroad” by Mrs. Wm. L. Nassau, TEQ 14 #1 (Apr. 1966); “Philadelphia & Columbia Railroad” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 23 #2 (Apr. 1985); “Railroads of Chester County” by A. L. Greenwood, TEQ 7 #4 (Feb. 1953); “When the Pennsylvania Railroad promoted Suburban Living” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 19, #1 (Jan. 1981); “Accidents will happen in the best Regulated Companies” by Robert E. Goshorn , TEQ 16, #2 (Apr. 1973), “Chester Valley Railroad” by Robert E. Geasey, TEQ 38, #3 (Jul. 2000). Photographs: Timetable 1837, Cover of TEQ 23 #2 (Apr. 1985); Paoli Railyard, TEA; Cedar Hollow Station, and Terminus at Valley Forge, Phoenixville, Valley Forge, & Strafford Railroad, Library of Congress, Historic Architecture Buildings Survey; Trenton Cutoff, TEA; Chester Valley Railroad train over Valley Forge Road by Jim Brazel.

The Covered Bridge – sources: “Covered Bridges” by Karl Klingelhoeffer, TEQ 36 #2 (Apr. 1998); “Yellow Springs Road in Valley Forge National Park” by Mike Bertram, TEQ 42 #4 (Fall 2005).

Tredyffrin Volunteers in the Civil War – sources: “Sergeant Harry Burns and the 7th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry” by Franklin L. Burns, TEQ 24, #1 (Jan. 1986); “Tredyffrin and Easttown Soldiers in the Pennsylvania Volunteer Army” in 1864 by Barbara Fry, TEQ 27, #4 (Oct. 1989); “A Local Band of Brothers: The 97th Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War” by Roger Arthur, TEQ 41, #4 Fall 2004. Picture of Levi March courtesy of the Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA.

The Non-Gran Bronze Company – source: “The American Non-Gran Bronze Company” by Florence Barnes, TEQ 9, #4 (Oct. 1957); “American Non-Gran Bronze Company” by Bob Goshorn , TEQ 37, #4 (Oct. 1999). Photograph by Lucy Sampson, courtesy of Herb Fry.

World War I: The Marine Corps Signals Training Camp – source: “When the Marine Corps had a Training Camp in Tredyffrin” by Bob Goshorn with Thomas G. Plummer, TEQ, 17 #2 (Apr. 1979). Illustrations: service card image courtesy of the State Library & Archives of Florida, Insignia from

The Paper Bag Company – source: “The Benjamin C. Betner Company” by Herb Fry, TEQ, 31, #3 (Jul. 1993). Illustration courtesy of Herb Fry.

Scenes of Disaster at Devon – source: “When the Fireworks Factory in Devon blew up” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ, 16, #3 (Fall 1978). Photographs courtesy of Judy Filippo.

The University of Pennsylvania Valley Forge Campus – source: “The Valley Forge Project of the University of Pennsylvania” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 24, #1 (Jan. 1986). Photograph of Henry Woolman courtesy of the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Archives.

The Mainline Airport – source: “A History of the Main Line Airport” by Roger Thorne, TEQ 40 #2 (Apr. 2003). Photographs courtesy of Roger Thorne.

The School Segregation Fight – source: “Segregation on the Upper Main Line: The ‘School Fight' of 1932-34” by Roger Thorne, TEQ 42 #1 (Winter 2005). Photograph of Raymond Pace Alexander courtesy of Archives and records center, University of Pennsylvania; Primus Crosby courtesy of Essie Crosby Brock.

The Nike Base – source: “The Nike Base on Diamond Rock Hill” by Bob Goshorn (aka Hob Borgson), TEQ, 28, #3 (Jul. 1990). Photographs: fuelling courtesy of the Nike Historical Society and

Great Valley Township – source: “The Borough of Great Valley: an attempt to secede from Tredyffrin” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 32, #1 (Jan. 1994).

The Philadelphia Folk Festival – source: “When the Philadelphia Folk Festival was held in Paoli” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ 18, #3 (Jul. 1980).

Chesterbrook – source: “The Chesterbrook Saga”, TEQ, 40 #3 (Jul. 2003). Photographs: Farmhouse courtesy of Herb Fry, Farmland courtesy of the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Archives.

Burroughs – source: “The Burroughs Research Center in Paoli” by Joyce Post, TEQ 40 #1 (Jan. 2003) Photograph courtesy of the Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota & NASA.

Valley Forge Music Fair – sources: “Valley Forge Music Fair – Club Members Remember”, TEQ 36 #1 (Jan. 1998); Interview with Jim McCormack. Photographs: External View courtesy of Shelly Gross; Interior View by Robert O'Leary, courtesy of Herb Fry; Posters courtesy of Carol Claypoole.

The Vanguard Group – photograph courtesy of the Vanguard Group.

Reverend David Jones – sources: “Historic Churches of the Great Valley” by Jean Kadyk, James Bolin, Mary Ives, Thomas Jackmon, Jeff Groff, TEQ 32, #1 (Jan. 1993), “The Baptist Church in the Great Valley” by Robert Warner, TEQ 7, #4 (Feb. 1953). Portrait courtesy of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley.

Alexander Cassatt – sources: “Images of Chesterbrook” TEQ, 40, # 3 (Jul. 2003); “A.J. Cassatt's Chesterbrook Farm” by Bob Goshorn, TEQ, 19, # 4 (Oct. 1981); “The Cassatt Mansion, then and now” TEQ, 39, # 4 (Oct. 2002); “The Chesterbrook development” by Audrey Baur, additions by Herb Fry, TEQ, 40, # 1 (Jan. 2003); “History of the Pennsylvania Railroad” by Timothy Jacobs, Diane Pub Co (June 1988) Photograph: .

Philander Knox – photograph from

Wharton Esherick – photographs courtesy of the Wharton Esherick museum.

Chubby Checker – sources: Wikipedia article,,, Photograph from Wikipedia article on Chubby Checker

John Bogle – photograph courtesy of the Vanguard Group.


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