Source: Fall 2007 Volume 44 Number 4, Pages 143–147
Joyce A. Post, Editor
Page 143

Photograph By Mike Bertram, August 2007
[Editor's notes – Our publication was the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club
Quarterly between Autumn 1937 (volume 1) and Fall 2004 (volume 41). It is the
Tredyffrin Easttown History Quarterly beginning with the Winter 2005 (volume
42) issue. References to specific material in a Quarterly are included in the
text and are cited as the volume number, issue number, and page number. Beginning
with volume 2 (1939) the pages in each volume are continuously numbered. References
to the Minutes of the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club are included in the text,
are cited as the date the Minutes were recorded, and are preceeded with an “M.”
In most instances, identification of individuals in an illustration is taken
from information on the back of the original photograph.]
If you take the 177 issues of the Quarterly published since Autumn of 1937 and
place them end-to-end on a bookshelf they stretch to a tight 2 feet as shown
in the photograph above.
Each issue averages around 32 pages and usually includes 4 or 5 major articles.
The 177 issues published so far have approximately 763 articles—this total
is approximate because we have not tried to set up definite parameters as to
what a “major article” is, or isn't. Some issues have a single long article
with many sections—“American Officers Quarters at Valley Forge” (v8n2p28),
for example, is a 22-page article about 33 different officers and houses and
is counted as one article. Others have items and news notes of one page or less
and are too short to be considered an article.
Page 144
There is a wealth of information and insight within the pages of the Quarterly.
Most articles reflect the serious research requirements for active membership
in the Club and are grounded in local research, interviews, or other primary
sources. Listed below are the subjects people always seem to be interested in,
the total number of articles about each subject, and an example - in quotation
marks - of a typical article from each subject. Most articles are counted at
least twice: first for its subject and second for its geographical setting.
Earliest Settlers - 12 articles - “Tredyffrin and Easttown in 1790”
(v20n3p75). Much of this information is scattered throughout the more general
articles about the Welsh Tract.
Tracts and Properties - 14 articles - “Local titles in Easttown and Tredyffrin:
Mary A. Lewis Tract, 1877” (2 parts: v1n2p11 and v1n3p9).
Houses - 39 articles - “The Cassatt Mansion” (v39n4p111). A number of
these are survey articles - reports of historic house tours, all the local Vassar
houses, etc. - so the total number of different houses described is much higher.
Farms and Farming - 19 articles - “Elda Farm: History and Recollections”
(v41n4p111). In addition, there are 16 more articles about Chesterbrook alone.
An interesting series is the 4-part look at “Day-to-Day Life on a Family Farm
at the Turn of the Century” [September 1897 through July 1900] transcribed
from the handwritten diary of Annie Potts Walker by a club member (4 parts:
v21n4p137 through v22n3p105).
Families, Biographies - 169 articles - “The Kromer Family and the Livery
Stables of Berwyn” (v33n2p47); “When Bertrand Russell Lived on Malvern R.D.1”
(v38n3p93). There are 9 people who others like to write about. General Anthony
Wayne outranks William Penn with 9 articles to Penn's 4; local bibliophile
A. Edward Newton's 5 articles beats General Pasquale Paoli's 4. Two of the
largest families in this area, the Walkers and the Wilsons, each have 2 and
7 specific articles respectively, but most of their information is buried within
other more general articles. In other instances, the regular long-standing “Notes
and Comments” feature of the Quarterly is used to publish new hard-to-find
information about important people that is not long enough to fill an article.
Two examples of this is information about Clarence Staats Jr., a major fuel
dealer, (v39n1p34) and Zelinda LeBoutillier, of the family that owns Waterloo
Gardens, (v44n3p117).
Churches - 68 articles - “Historic Churches of the Great Valley” (v32n1p25).
In addition to articles about 13 different area churches -5 in Berwyn, 6 in
Tredyffrin Township, and 2 in Paoli - there are articles about churches in Devon,
the community of Valley Forge, and the outlying areas of Willistown, Radnor,
and Newtown Square. Churches were a very popular topic for research during the
first decade of the Quarterly and one project of early Club members was to enumerate
the names of all persons buried in these cemeteries. This resulted in a series
of 30 articles about specific church cemeteries.
INTERMENT LISTINGS in the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club Quarterly
Compiled by J. B. Post
This Project was begun in response to a recommendation of the Pennsylvania Federation
of Historical Societies on April 10, 1941 in Harrisburg [See Quarterly editorial by Franklin L. Burns –
Vol. 4 No. 3 page 52]
Page 145
Diamond Rock Mennonist. Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1941) page 23
Fahnestock Private Plot (Sugartown Road). Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 1941) page 61
Great Valley Baptist A – D. Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring 1942) pages 13-24
Great Valley Baptist D – J. Vol. 5, No. 2 (Autumn 1942) pages 38-48
Great Valley Baptist J. Vol. 5, No. 4 (Autumn 1943) page 92
Great Valley Baptist J – L. Vol. 6, No. 2 (Annual 1945) pages 42-44
Great Valley Baptist L – P. Vol. 14, No. 2 (October 1966) pages 40-48
Great Valley Baptist Q – Z . Vol. 14, No. 3 (April 1967) pages 61-69
Great Valley Presbyterian. Vol. 29, No. 1 (January 1991) page 12
Old Eagle School. Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1941) page 17
Old Eagle School. Vol. 9, No. 1 (April 1956) pages 2-17
Old Eagle School. Vol. 26, No. 4 (October 1988) page 143
Old Salem Church. Vol. 7, No. 1 (December 1948) pages 16-20
Old Salem Church. Vol. 7, No. 2 (December 1949) pages 42-45
Saint Davids. Vol. 38, No. 4 (October 2000) pages 117-130
Saint Peters. Vol. 18, No. 4 (October 1980) pages 111-115
Saint Peters. Vol. 22, No. 1 (January 1984) page 6
Saint Peters A – G. Vol. 19, No. 1 (January 1981) pages 23-30
Saint Peters H – L. Vol. 19, No. 2 (April 1981) pages 57-64
Saint Peters M – P. Vol. 19, No. 3 (July 1981) pages 91-96
Saint Peters Q – S. Vol. 19, No. 4 (October 1981) pages 129-135
Saint Peters T – Y. Vol. 20, No. 1 (January 1982) pages 29-34
Supplee Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant). Vol. 12, No. 1 (April 1962) pages 13-16
Theodore Ricks Memorial (Valley Forge Road). Vol. 26, No. 1 (January 1988) pages 13-18
Trinity Presbyterian (Berwyn, disinterments). Vol. 39, No. 2 (April 2001) pages 55-62
Valley Friends' A – R. Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 1941) pages 68-73
Valley Friends' R – W. Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1941) pages 94-98
Schools - 57 articles - “Two Centuries of Tredyffrin-Schools, 1700-1900”
(v7n4p95); “Secondary Education in Tredyffrin-Easttown: The Tredyffrin-Easttown
High School: First Joint High School in Pennsylvania” (v8n4p80). Many of the
early Club members had strong ties to local education, so it is not surprising
they were so prolific in writing about specific area schools, particularly ones
that no longer exist. There are also many articles describing our dual-township
school district, the old Tredyffrin-Easttown High School, and today's Conestoga
High School. There are also articles about local:
- one room schools, written from the teachers' point of view - 3;
- special education schools - 3;
- lyceums from the past - 2;
- segregation attempts - 2;
- university campuses - 2.
Inns and Taverns - 19 articles - “How Inn-Genius Are You?” (v33n4p154).
This might seem like a low number considering that there were 15 different inns
and taverns in this area and that the communities of Berwyn and Paoli grew up
around the earlier ones in these locations along the original Lancaster Road.
Much of this information is found in the more general articles and in articles
about the Revolutionary War and the railroads. The 2 Howellville Inns, for example,
do not have separate articles, but are fully described in a Quarterly issue
devoted entirely to Howellville (v39n3).
Page 146
Wars - 70 articles
Revolutionary War - 26 articles - “The British Encampment in Tredyffrin,
September 1777: New Light on an Old Story” (v41n2p43). There are 13 more articles
devoted to just the Paoli Battlefield site, 4 of which, interestingly, have
the same title of “Remember Paoli.” The 14-page compilation of poetry commemorating
this event, “Remember Paoli: A Portfolio of Poetry” (v23n4p137), is particularly
Civil War – 8 articles – “A Local Band of Brothers: The 97th Pennsylvania
Infantry During the Civil War” (v41n4p119)
World War I – 6 articles – “Interview With a Red Cross Volunteer” (v36n2p60)
World War II – 12 articles – “Recollections of a Conscientious Objector
During the Second World War” (v37n2p49)
Cold War – 2 articles – “The Nike Base on Diamond Rock Hill” (v28n3p115)
Veterans – 3 articles – “A Gold Star Honor Roll of World War II Heroes”
Transportation – 9 general articles – “Under Whatever Name It May Go:
the Vehicles on the Lancaster Turnpike” (v30n2p41)
Roads – 32 articles – “The Old Lancaster or Conestoga Road” (4 parts:
v2n4p90, v3n1p13, v5n2p26, v11n2p41)
Railroads – 3 general articles – “The Railroads of Chester County”
Pennsylvania Railroad – 8 articles – “When the Pennsylvania Railroad
Promoted Suburban Living” (v19n1p13)
Chester Valley Railroad – 4 articles – “The Chester Valley Railroad”
Trolleys and Interurbans – 4 articles – “The Amusement Park on the Trolley
Line” (v30n3p87)
Stations – 5 articles – “Some Observations on the Strafford Railroad
Station” (v25n3p105)
Model Railroads – 2 articles – “The Upper Main Line” (v35n4p143)
Automobiles – 7 articles – “Reminiscing About the Matthews Ford Agency”
Aviation – 6 articles – “A History of the Main Line Airport, Paoli, Pennsylvania”
Sports - 9 articles - “Five Big League Ball Players Who Played For Berwyn”
Business and Industry - 58 articles - Local businesses and industries are
often not recognized as a part of the early history of villages and communities.
Tredyffrin and Easttown are fortunate in this regard. The oldest Quarterly article
in this category is “Weavers and Weaving in Tredyffrin-Easttown” published
in 1943 (v5n4p73). The American Non-Gran Bronze Co. in Berwyn has had 3 articles
in the last 70 years.
Businesses - 23 articles - “The Burroughs Research Center in Paoli” (v40n1p3)
Stores and Shops - 19 articles - “Isaac A. Cleaver and the Bee Hive Store”
Industry - 7 articles - “The Electric Transmission Lines Through Tredyffrin
Township” (v33n4p147)
Mills - 9 articles - “Local Textile Mills” (v5n4p77).
Over 200 more articles can be grouped together into 36 additional smaller categories
ranging from “Animals” to “Women.”
Page 147
There is a sort of geographical race to see which area, Easttown or Tredyffrin,
has the most articles about it
in the Quarterly. They are very different in nature. Easttown, with the older
community of Berwyn, is more established while Tredyffrin is more rural and
spread out and includes the newer community of Paoli. In the end, it is only
a difference of 4 articles: Easttown and Berwyn with a total of 133, and Tredyffrin
and Paoli with a total of 129. [In totaling the number of articles in these
places, only those giving earlier or current community names in the title are
Major Areas
Easttown - 31 articles + 8 articles on schools - “Private Schools in Easttown
Township: 1865-1965” (v43n2p43)
Berwyn - 76 articles + 17 articles on churches + 1 article on schools - “When
the Berwyn Fire Company Rescued Six Peacocks” (v20n1p27)
Tredyffrin - 54 articles + 16 articles on churches + 12 articles on schools
– “The Borough of Great Valley: an Attempt to Secede from Treddyffrin”
Paoli - 39 articles + 6 articles on churches + 2 articles on schools - “The
Changing Face of Paoli” (v27n3p102).
Individual Communities
Cedar Hollow - 8 articles - “Cedar Hollow and the Warner Company” (v38n2p65)
Daylesford - 8 articles - “The Fourth of July at Daylesford” (v29n3p98)
Devault - 2 articles - “The Company House at Devault” (v38n2p59)
Devon - 14 articles + 5 articles on churches + 2 articles on schools - “Devon
Dramatic Association: The Belgian Consul General and his Family at Devon”
East Whiteland - 4 articles - “Spring Mill [Gunkle's Mill]” (v23n4p123)
Howellville - 6 articles - “Great Valley Area Limestone Quarries: Pt. 1:
Howellville Quarries” (v42n3p95)
Leopard - 1 article - “Reminiscences of a Shady Road and Quiet Nook in Eastown”
Malvern – 6 articles + 1 article on schools – “The Monday Afternoon Club
of Malvern” (2 parts: v10n1p2 and v11n1p18)
Mt. Pleasant - 2 articles - “Mt. Pleasant Village and Carr School” (v12n1p2)
New Centerville - 2 articles - “History of New Centerville” (v13n1p17)
Spread Eagle - “The Village of Spread Eagle” (v36n3p77)
Strafford - 8 articles - “A Personal History of Strafford (Reflecting the
Many Years I've Lived There)” (v35n2p67)
Valley Forge (community) - 12 articles + 2 articles on churches - “The Valley
Forge Project of the University of Pennsylvania” (v24n1p17)
West Whiteland - 1 article - “The Methodist Church in Chester County With
Particular Reference to the Grove Methodist Church in West Whiteland Township”
Willistown - 1 article - “Willistown Friend's Meeting” (v9n2p26).
Other Areas
Upper Main Line - 5 articles - “The Upper Main Line News” (v28n2p63)
Main Line - 6 articles - “Mapping the Main Line” (v42p3p82)
Chester County - 25 articles - “Evolution of Chester County Architecture”
Philadelphia - 5 articles - “Philadelphia's Celebration of the Adoption
of the Constitution, July 4, 1788” (v1n4p2)
Outlying Areas -19 articles - “Foraging for Valley Forge by General Anthony
Wayne in Salem and Gloucester Counties, N. J.” (v33n2p77); “The Archaeological
Expedition of the University Museum to Panama (1940)” (2 parts: v3n3p53 and
Article continues on page 148 with "HOW AND WHY THE QUARTERLY CAME TO BE"